Provide an analysis of the quality and trustworthiness of the source. Who are the authors and why are they able to be relied upon to discuss the chosen article’s topic? Where is the article published and what is the quality of that source?

GPS Mapping Mission Description

This mission requires you to map the NJIT database using the search tool provided on the library main page. Review this video, that describes our research into the GPS model and how it can be used to assist content analysis and organization.

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Read the directions below.

Items to complete

This task requires you to utilize the GPS model to understand how to narrow the database. The initial map helps us practice the use of the database as well as identify key areas of interest related to experts and expertise.

For this submission, create a word document in Memo format to Dr. Lipuma with the following items.

Your first step is to create a search of the NJIT database that includes Expert, AND Communication, AND Skill. These terms need to be ‘any field’. This will describe the general topic. Record the number of results in this search.

Add the limits of date range: 2020 to present, Peer-reviewed articles, available online. Record the total number of results for this search

On the left side is the filter of subject. Identify one of these particular subjects and provide an explanation of why you selected it as your area of focus. Within that chosen subject select an article you feel is most related to being an expert and for that article explain your reason for choosing it,

List the keywords for the selected article as given in the document itself. Explain the argument of the article and how that relates back to expertise and being an effective expert. Save the PDF of the article and attach it to the post.

Provide an analysis of the quality and trustworthiness of the source. Who are the authors and why are they able to be relied upon to discuss the chosen article’s topic? Where is the article published and what is the quality of that source? What value does the article content add and why can we trust it? What bias if any is present in the article? Be specific and detailed in the analysis so we see the rationale for answers with evidence about the source

Reference no: EM132069492

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