The Cold War ushered in a significant number of new threats to the security of nations by creating new alliances while creating new enemies. During the Cold War, mos

The Cold War ushered in a significant number of new threats to the…

The Cold War ushered in a significant number of new threats to the security of nations by creating new alliances while creating new enemies. During the Cold War, most of society saw two superpowers (i.e., the United States and the Soviet Union) in a struggle for world domination. Post-World War II saw the fracturing of old Europe and the polarization of international relations (i.e., “you are with us or against us”). This lasted until the 1990s with the fall of the Soviet Union. Meanwhile, by the 1970s, terrorism began to take the world stage and never seemed to dissipate.

What effect did the end of the Cold War have on terrorism and the protection of critical infrastructures such as power, food, and transportation?

Select one of the 16 critical infrastructures listed on the Critical Infrastructures Sectors webpage.

Based on your selection, address the prompts below.

Explore how weapons of mass destruction (WMDs) could become a threat to nations by terrorist groups acquiring them.Discuss how this infrastructure can be impacted by a WMD against civilian populations.Explain how a WMD could threaten the selected critical infrastructure.

Reference no: EM132069492

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