Writing about A Raisin in the Sun (1959), A Piano Lesson (1980s), and GLORIA (2019)
1. What is the purpose of The Women’s Movement?
2. How did Gloria Steinem contribute? What was Ms. Magazine?
3. “I learned Feminism from Black Women.” What is the connection between Feminism, Civil Rights, Gay Rights, Disability Rights, Native American Rights,
Mental Health Rights?
4. In the clip of an early women’s protest march, a sign read, “Don’t Miss Amerika.” What does that mean?
5. Steinem said that she wanted a “revolution, not a reform.” Look up both words and explain the difference.
6. Why is communal action necessary for social reform?
7. What is a Consciousness Raising Group, and why were they necessary for the women’s movement?
8. When Steinem went to Smith College in the Fifties, women raised their hand with their ring finger facing outward. How was that symbolic of “the feminine
mystique?” Look up that term.
9. “I learned Feminism from Black Women.” What is the connection between Feminism, Civil Rights, Gay Rights, Disability Rights, Native American Rights,
Mental Health Rights?
10. “I thought if injustice were explained, it would be fixed.” How do you understand the gap between explanation and solution? To whom is injustice or
inequality profitable?Significance of bra burning?
11. What is the significance of the prefix “Ms.?” Why did President Nixon oppose it?
12. “Women become more radical with age.” Why might that be?
13. Why do you think Justice Kavanaugh became a member of The Supreme Court, despite accusations of rape sexual harassment?
The post A Raisin in the Sun (1959) first appeared on COMPLIANT PAPERS.