define and describe the chosen topic and critically evaluate some relevant empirical evidence on this subject/area of investigation, supporting your critique/arguments with evidence gathered from reading

For your first entry, write an entry (max. 500 words) on one topic from either – typical or atypical perception, typical or atypical attention, different research approaches and methods in cognitive psychology, visual imagery, or consciousness. Please define and describe the chosen topic and critically evaluate some relevant empirical evidence on this subject/area of investigation, supporting your critique/arguments with evidence gathered from reading. Use APA style guidelines (7th edition) to cite and reference. Collate all full references in a single, main Reference section at the end of your Portfolio. You should illustrate each entry with an appropriate image, video, link, meme, etc. Please note that if you include this material, add a caption and where necessary alternative text (accessibility requirements). For your second component, write an entry (max. 500 words) on a topic of your interest (a theory/ a concept/ a phenomenon/ a syndrome or neurological disorder or condition) explained in the lectures or the essential reading. For the second entry, choose a topic related to typical or atypical memory, typical or atypical language, or cognition and emotion. Please define and describe the chosen topic and self-reflect on how this relates to something you have seen or experienced in ‘the real world’ (e.g., personal experience or a movie/ TV show you have seen). Reflect whether your formal learning within the course has influenced your knowledge, experiences, and / or views, now and for the future. Illustrate this entry with an appropriate image, video, link, meme, etc. Please note that if you include this material, add a caption and where necessary alternative text (accessibility requirements). For your third journal entry, please write 500 words max. on ‘all being well, what will you remember most-clearly from this course in 10 years’ time and why?’. Explain why using research / theory / models of cognition (i.e., evidence your argument). A template document will be provided on moodle to ensure consistency and enable markers to provide feedback more-easily. Please note that figure captions, links, alternative image text, and full references do not count towards your word limits. Body text, in-text citations, quotes, etc. will be included in the word counts

Reference no: EM132069492

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