Solution Focused Therapy


Theory and Practice for Social Work with Families paper
Each student will write a paper based on practical application of one of the theories in the text with a family in their field placement (if no in field, speak to
instructor about choosing a family system).
1. Discuss first a psychosocial history of your family and the social problem they face. 2. The paper will cover the major concepts of the theory and relate the
appropriateness of interventions needed for this particular family.
3. Issues concerning social work values and ethics should be discussed.
4. The student will identify specific methods, techniques and interventions as applied in practice with this family.
5. The process of assessment, evidence based interventions and termination with resources recommended must be included. Professional literature,
especially that which provides empirical support for the method used, should be included.
6. Suggested length of this paper is approximately 10 pages, and correct APA style must be used.
7. A minimum of 10 references are required and Headings 1-5, plus a conclusion must be used in the writing of the paper. You must also include a cover page
and a reference sheet.
8. Further APA must be used in writing this paper. One-fourth of the grade of the paper will determined by the appropriate use of APA, spelling, grammar, and
sentence structure. Further, APA must be used in writing this paper. One-fourth of the grade of the paper will determined by the appropriate use of APA,
spelling, grammar, and sentence structure. Any information you use that is not put in your own words must be cited according to


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Reference no: EM132069492

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