Submit a short summary and review (approx. 3 pages) of the negative interaction regarding the parasite/host relationship of the varroa mite and honeybee. Include the regions in which your organisms interact, the adaptations that influence these interactions, what resources facilitate or limit this interaction (presence of food, temperature, moisture, etc.), and whether the involved parties are specialists or generalists. Are there specific portions of their niche in which the organisms may escape this negative interaction (evidence of niche partitioning or avoidance)? Is there any evidence to suggest they have been interacting for a long time? Is this an example of coevolution? *** Cite a paper or a case study that has experimentally altered this relationship. You are also free to include whatever information you feel is relevant beyond these basics. Please submit this report in the form of an essay consisting of well-organized paragraphs. Not a bulleted list.
This is intended to expose you to the primary literature available on the internet as much as possible. Search for your species in scientific databases (such as Google Scholar). When presenting information in your paper, please cite at least 8 of these primary sources in MLA format. You will be graded on the completeness and accuracy of the content, the format of your paper, and your correct use of citations to support your claims.