Write 700 words at least to answer this question:
What were the reasons for the emergence of al-Qaida and then ISIS in Iraq? Try to assess them in order of importance and explain. Use a minimum of 4 sources. Chicago style, using endnotes and properly formatted. See document for all instructions.
Write 700 words at least to answer this question:
What were the reasons for the emergence of al-Qaida and then ISIS in Iraq? Try to assess them in order of importance and explain. Use a minimum of 4 sources. Chicago style, using endnotes and properly formatted. See document for all instructions.
Make sure to use footnotes and to add a “List of Sources” at the end of your essay.
These papers should be grammatically and syntactically correct and without typographical errors. Include the question you are answering on the title page so both you and I will be sure which question you are addressing. Special attention will be given to the thesis paragraph. Make it succinct and preview how you will argue your paper. Always end with a concluding paragraph that sums up your argument.
Citations: Use footnotes, or what is called the “Notes and Bibliography” form of citation for your references (not the internal: “author date” style common in the social sciences). The first citation of a work should be complete and subsequent citations abbreviated. Read about how to use this form of citation at Quick Guide of the Chicago Manual of Style. Learn how to use footnotes (not endnotes on “Word.”
List of Sources: Be sure to add a “List of Sources” at the end of your essay, in which you list all the sources that you cite. Each article must be referenced in full. Consult the website of the Chicago Manual of Style to do this correctly. Make sure you cite internet sources correctly as well.
Wawro, pp. 382-397, 456-491. [48]
James Gelvin, The New Middle East: What Everyone Needs to Know, Oxford University Press; pp. 83-111. [28]
Murtaza Hussain, HOW IRAN WON THE U.S. WAR IN IRAQ. A trove of secret intelligence cables obtained by The Intercept reveals Tehran’s political gains in Iraq since the 2003 invasion. March 17 2023 https://theintercept.com/2023/03/17/iraq-war-iran-cables/?utm_source=substack&utm_medium=email
Video: Frontline: The Secret History of ISIS. 2016. https://www.pbs.org/wgbh/frontline/film/the-secret-history-of-isis/
Gregory D. Johnsen, “The Rise of ISIS,” Great Decisions, 2016. https://canvas.ou.edu$CANVAS_COURSE_REFERENCE$/files
Martin Chulov, “Isis: the inside story,” The Guardian. 11 Dec 2014 (One of the Islamic State’s senior commanders reveals exclusive details of the terror group’s origins inside an Iraqi prison – right under the noses of their American jailers.) https://www.theguardian.com/world/2014/dec/11/-sp-isis-the-inside-story
Dexter Filkins, “Did George W. Bush Create ISIS? (Links to an external site.)” The New Yorker, May 2015. http://mideastresources.blogspot.com/2015/05/did-george-w-bush-create-isis-by-dexter.html
Scott Atran, “ISIS Is a Revolution: All world-altering revolutions are born in danger and death, brotherhood and joy. How can this one be stopped?” Aeon, 2016. 10,500 words https://aeon.co/essays/why-isis-has-the-potential-to-be-a-world-altering-revolutio
This discussion is an elaboration of a short article, “The Great Sorting Out: Ethnicity & the Future of the Levant,” that Elias Muhanna published on his blog, Qifa Nabki. http://qifanabki.com/2013/12/18/landis-ethnicity/