Where you have lawfulness you always find legitimacy.

Chapter 12 Quiz – Gain Compliance with the Law


1. Crime control policies have traditionally relied on external authority, such as law enforcement and punitive sentence, but procedural justice policies seek to cultivate internally based voluntary obligation

2. Where you have lawfulness you always find legitimacy.

3. Domestic violence offenders had lower recidivism rates when they felt they were treated fairly in the criminal justice system.

4. Procedural justice issues appear to contribute to law-abiding behavior in terms of minor offenses but the effect on serious crimes is not yet known.

5. The most important injustices are the visible action of police that involve beat meetings.

6. Research evidence shows the injustice of racial bias in the criminal justice system to be perceived but not real.

7. In response to the overreach of criminal behavior, some have recommended the law be used sparingly and focus on high consensus offenses that cause harm.

8. A lack of consensus over criminal behavior contributes to the appearance of arbitrary law enforcement which can result in cynicism about law enforcement.

9. The practical consequences of making certain behavior illegal include the development of criminal syndicates as well as the possibility of corruption of the criminal justice system.

10. The flawed crime control strategy underlying decriminalization of public order offenses assumes it would give police more time to concentrate on serious crimes.

11. Thirty seven states prohibit sodomy, but the remaining states have decriminalized it.

Reference no: EM132069492

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