An argumentative essay begins with a controversial topic and attempts to persuade an audience. Argument differs from narrative and description. But it can use any of these other forms of discourse to develop its ideas.

ENGL 1301 / Essay 3/ Spring 2023


An argumentative essay begins with a controversial topic and attempts to persuade an audience. Argument differs from narrative and description. But it can use any of these other forms of discourse to develop its ideas. Therefore, it can be considered the most complex form. An argument can start with a controversy or disagreement. Arguing requires you to think clearly, organize your arguments skillfully, and present your side honestly, persuasively, and logically. If you are adventurous in your points of view, refute your opponent’s claims. So, rebuttal is a common feature of arguments because you usually need to show the other side is wrong to get your points across.

Basic Assignment: Write an argumentative essay that responds to the following prompt. For this essay, you will develop a position that supports or opposes the given topic.

Prompt: When going on vacation, would you rather have several short trips to different countries or one long holiday in a single country?

My expectations for this paper are fundamental:

– A paper topic that follows the instructions above

– A thesis statement or central claim that organizes the argument

– A clear, logical organization

Essay Checklist (MLA Citation Guide):

-Title Formatted Correctly

-Page Numbers

-Double Space

-Check Spelling, Punctuation, and Basic Mechanics

-MLA Formatting correct and Works Cited correct (if you use sources)

-12-point Times New Roman

Length: 450-650 words

Due Date: Friday, April 21st, at 11:59 PM

Reference no: EM132069492

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