Instructions: APA style, 5–7-page case-conceptualization paper that conceptualizes the same case from two different therapeutic modalities solution-focused and narrative therapy. The paper should include all the following sections.
Introduction to the client (create in paragraph format, and include the information I have provided)
a. Age: 20
b. Ethnicity: White
c. Occupation: Car Sales
d. Education: Bachelors degree
e. Gender identity: Male
Presenting Concerns
Background Information ( create the background information include the following points below)
a. family, history
b. recent life changes
c. precipitating events
d. symptoms
e. stressors
f. previous counseling
g. medical/mental health history)
a. Conceptualization from Theory A ( solution-focused) -should include a brief description of the theory, how it explains the client’s problems, and techniques used in the treatment
b. Conceptualization from Theory B ( narrative therapy) – should include brief description of the theory, how it explains the client’s problems, and techniques used in the treatment
a. A summary that draws distinctions between the two treatment modalities. The paper should include a title page that includes only your initials as it will be submitted for plagiarism detection and a reference list.