In Unit VII, you will conduct research in planning to counter a weapons of mass destruction (WMDs) threat. For this research topic outline, you are to select a state or non-state acto

In Unit VII, you will conduct research in planning to counter a weapons of mass destruction (WMDs) threat. For this research topic outline, you are to select a state or non-state actor.

Once you have made your selection, describe the actor, and select one component of a WMD (e.g., chemical, biological, radiological, nuclear, or explosive). Identify the parties who are in possession of the WMD, the research that is available on the WMD, the development of the WMD, and the use or intended use (philosophical perspectives) of the WMD. Utilize main ideas, supporting evidence, and headings in your outline.

Then, present how your selected component of a WMD threatens critical infrastructure by choosing one of the 16 critical infrastructure sectors. You can visit the Critical Infrastructure Sectors webpage for the full list of national critical infrastructures.

Lastly, you will explain how to counter the threat by using both non-proliferation and counter-proliferation initiatives or strategies.

Your research topic outline must be written in a clear and precise manner to detail how the research will be presented. Your outline should be at least two pages in length. You must use at least two outside sources (scholarly, peer-reviewed, or authoritative) in addition to your textbook as reference. (TEXTBOOK CHAPTERS included with materials)

Text Book Citation- Siracusa, J. M., & Warren, A. (2017). Weapons of Mass Destruction. Rowman & Littlefield Publishing Group.

Adhere to APA Style when constructing this assignment, in

Reference no: EM132069492

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