TECH1200 Fundamentals of Programming Assignment Assessment 1 Information Subject Code: TECH1200 Subject Name: Fundamentals of Programming Assessment Title: Control Flow Prototype Assessment Type: Individual Word Count: 1000 Words (+/-10%) Weighting: 20 % Total Marks: 20 Submission: Via Turnitin Due Date: Week 5…
Assessment Task In groups, apply advanced data analysis and visualisation skills, and create meaningful data visualisations for a public dataset. Then, create a 5-10-minute presentation as a short video explaining the findings of your visual analysis. Context
MIS609 Data Management and Analytics Assignment ASSESSMENT 2 BRIEF Subject Code and Title MIS609 Data Management and Analytics Assessment Advanced Data Analysis and Visualisation Presentation Individual/Group Group Length 10-15 Minutes Learning Outcomes The Subject Learning Outcomes demonstrated by successful completion of the…
MGT4109 Project Time Management and Technology Final Exam Q1 Pool Questions (1 from 5) Answer Key Estimation When grading the question, it would appear as:
MGT4109 Project Time Management and Technology Final Exam Q1 Pool Questions (1 from 5) Answer Key Estimation When grading the question, it would appear as: Questions Answers Using the data in the case study above, complete a BOTTOM-UP estimation. Your…
EDU20006: Curriculum, Planning and Assessment for Primary: Practicum 2 Assignment 1: Portfoli
EDU20006: Curriculum, Planning and Assessment for Primary: Practicum 2 Assignment 1: Portfolio Word limit: 5400–6750 (200–250 words per focus area—27 focus areas in total) (+/- 10%) Weighting: Pass/Fail Due date: 5pm AEST Monday 29 May 2023 (Week 11) This unit closely follows the guidelines for…
SET11123 Scripting for Data Science Assignment Assessment Brief Proforma
SET11123 Scripting for Data Science Assignment Assessment Brief Proforma 1. Module number SET11123 2. Module title Scripting for Data Science 3. Module leader Md Zia Ullah 4. Tutor with responsibility for this Assessment Student’s first point of contact Md Zia Ullah…
Jo Kelly is the owner of Sydney Ltd (hypothetical company) and has decided to document and analyse the accounts payable process so the transition to a computerised system will be easier
ICT100 Information Management Systems Assignment Assessment Information and Rubric Subject Code ICT100 Subject Name Information Management Systems Assessment Number and Title Assessment 2 – Individual project Assessment Type Individual Length / Duration 1,000 words maximum, no ±10%. Weighting % Report 20%…
In this section, you need to interpret the company’s performance on the selected two areas from the above five areas. The structure of this section should include company background, analyses on two selected areas, conclusions and findings, and recommendations. Please note that all the sourc
ACC100 Principles of Accounting Assignment Assessment Information and Rubric Subject Code ACC100 Subject Name Principles of Accounting Assessment Number and Title Assessment 2 – Financial statement analysis Assessment Type Individual Length / Duration 500 words maximum, and excluding references + Financial statement ratio…
analyze, discuss, and evaluate communication strategy of the chosen company. In detailed, justify the role of technology in promoting its name and maintaining customer services. Please find the structure of a business
Assessment 2: Group Case Analysis Assessment 2: Group case analysis 30% (10% oral presentation + 20% written report Week 9 2000 words (equivalent) + 15 mins presentation Description/Task (30%): Written Report and Group Presentation Due: Week 9. Task: Students work in…
SYST24444 Mobile Web-Based Application Development Assignment This assignment will be used to test your knowledge of Angular Modules, Angular Material, and using external JSON Files. Follow all details carefully and be sure to follow
SYST24444 Mobile Web-Based Application Development Assignment This assignment will be used to test your knowledge of Angular Modules, Angular Material, and using external JSON Files. Follow all details carefully and be sure to follow instructions for submitting your work. Create…
Aurora Plc (Aurora) manufactures and sells its own-brand luxury perfumes, toiletries, and candles via its 55 stores in the UK and also to other larger retail companies. Revenue and profits have been steady over the last 10 years up to the end of 2021. During 2021, the c
IYC020C103 Introduction to Accounting and Finance Assignment Academic year and term: 2022/23 Module title: Introduction to Accounting and Finance Module code: IYC020C103 Module Convener: Jo Whitefoot Learning outcomes assessed within this piece of work as agreed at the programme level…