MBA (ACCOUNTING SPECIALISATION) Auditing and Ethics (MACC204) Individual Assignment Assignment Title: Research on current issues in auditing and assurance services Assessment Weighting: 10% Length of assignment paper: maximum 1,000 words. Due Date: by midnight Sunday 23/4/2023 – assignment paper submission…
In this assignment students are required to research on environmental reporting, a contemporary issue in financial accounting and reporting. The assignment is used to assess the learning outcomes of the unit especially the learning outcome b, that is to critically analyse the requirements of accounting standards that address advanced and contemporary issues. It is expected that students use a listed compa
In this assignment students are required to research on environmental reporting, a contemporary issue in financial accounting and reporting. The assignment is used to assess the learning outcomes of the unit especially the learning outcome b, that is to critically…
GMBA 6004 LEADING AND MANAGING PEOPLE ASSIGNMENT 3 –Trimester 1, 2023 Assessment 3 worth 30% due Sunday Week 12 AEST 11:59 pm Submission Mode: Via Turnitin Use APA(VI) style of referencingWord limit: 1500 words (+/- 10%), excludes executive summary…
ECON1314 Quantitative Methods for Economic Analysis Assignment
Major Project in Statistics, ECON1314 – Semester 1, 2023 This is an individual project. This project is designed to acquaint students with the application of statistical concepts in business. This involves planning research, collecting data, carrying out appropriate hypothesis tests,…
Get Financial Analysis Assignment Help
Financial Analysis Assignment Help 2022/23 SEMESTER [2] MODULE TITLE: Financial Analysis (FINA) TITLE OF ASSESSMENT: Assessment 2 (First sit): Coursework LEVEL: H7 COURSE(S): MBA (Full Time), MBA (Executive) DEADLINE DATE FOR SUBMISSION BY STUDENT: 9th May 2023 (Tuesday) by 14:00 (UK time)…
Get Strategic Management Assignment Help
Strategic Management Assignment 2022/23Semester 2 MODULE TITLE: Strategic Management TITLE OF ASSESSMENT: Assessment 2 First Sit & Resit Coursework LEVEL: H7 COURSE(S): Graduate MBA DEADLINE DATE FOR SUBMISSION BY STUDENTS: Tuesday May 9th 2pm 2023 SUBMISSION LOCATION: On the MyBeckett…
MBA401 People, Culture and Contemporary Leadership Assignment
MBA401 People, Culture and Contemporary Leadership Assignment Assessment 1 Information Subject Code: MBA401 Subject Name: People, Culture and Contemporary Leadership Assessment Title: Leadership a Country Comparison Assessment Type: Written Analysis Presentation Length: 1,500 Words (+/-10%) Weighting: 30 % Total Marks:…
Get 7928IBA Cross-Cultural Management Reflection Help
7928IBA Cross-Cultural Management Reflection 7928IBA Reflection – 50 marks Student name & ID Number: r Workshop Date/Time & Campus: Part 1 and Part 2 have different due dates. Check the course site for details. Complete each section in this template.…
ICT5250 Computer Networks and Security Assignment Help
ICT5250 Computer Networks and Security Assignment Assessment Brief: ICT5250 Computer Networks and Security Trimester-1 2023 Assessment Overview Assessment Task Type Weighting Due Length ULOs Assessment 1: QuizQuizzes assess students’ ability to understand theoretical materials. The quiz will be either…
IB101 International Business Assignment Help
IB101 International Business Assignment Assessment Task One Assessment Type 1500 Word Individual Essay Due Date 5.00pm on Friday 21 April 2023 – Week Four Length 1500 Words Submission To be uploaded onto Turnitin Mark Allocation 30 Marks Task Critically discuss how political, economic,…