In this assignment, you will undertake a group project and deliver a 15-minute group presentation on the subject of how to be an effective student using PowerPoint or equivalent delivered live on-campus. Each tea

Module code and title:FY027 Preparing for Success at University: Self Development and ResponsibilityModule leader:Cadmel MisianiAssignment No. and type:PR1: Oral PresentationAssessment weighting:40%Submission time and date:28-Apr-23Target feedback time and date:3 weeks Assignment task In this assignment, you will undertake a group project…

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7BSM2003 Operations and Business Analytics Assignment

Module Title:Operations and Business AnalyticsModule Code:7BSM2003Assignment Format & Maximum Word countExcel Modelling and Individual ReportAssignment Weighting:      50%Coursework Submission:Time: 23.59Date: 17th April 2023Method: via Canvas/StudyNetCoursework return Date returned to students:Within four weeks of submission Module leader X ZhaoFirst marker  X ZhaoInternal ModeratorApproved ☐Date:Module Board nameBAS GroupExternal…

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Industry Analysis Conduct an Industry analysis of your organisation. Based on this analysis, identify the key strategic issues that your organisation is facing. A template for your Industry analysis is availab

2022/23 Semester 2 Strategic Management MODULE TITLE:    Strategic ManagementTITLE OF ASSESSMENT: Assessment 2 First Sit & Resit CourseworkLEVEL:                              H7COURSE(S):        Graduate MBADEADLINE DATE FOR SUBMISSION BY STUDENTS: Tuesday May 9th 2pm 2023SUBMISSION LOCATION: On the MyBeckett module page using the Turnitin iconASSESSOR(S): Garry Carr, Francis Patton, Dr Hezam Heswani, Dr…

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CASE STUDY – Aurora Plc Background Aurora Plc (Aurora) manufactures and sells its own-brand luxury perfumes, toiletries, and candles via its 55 stores in the UK and also to other larger retail companies.

YC020C103 Introduction to Accounting and Finance Assignment Academic year and term:2022/23Module title:Introduction to Accounting and FinanceModule code:IYC020C103Module Convener:Jo WhitefootLearning outcomes assessed within this piece of work as agreed at the programme level meetingStudents who successfully complete this module will:   Knowledge…

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SET11123 Scripting for Data Science Assignment

SET11123 Scripting for Data Science Assignment with HNd Assignment 1. Module numberSET111232. Module titleScripting for Data Science3. Module leaderMd Zia Ullah4. Tutor with responsibility for this Assessment Student’s first point of contactMd Zia Ullah Kehinde Babaagba5. AssessmentPractical coursework6. Weighting50% of module…

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A multitude of factors influence how and if an individual moves within or between social strata in society. These determinant factors, along with the overall structure of any given society, have a large impact on how an individual is able to access basic services, such as education and health car

CJA: Race, Crime, Justice Power-Point Presentation A multitude of factors influence how and if an individual moves within or between social strata in society. These determinant factors, along with the overall structure of any given society, have a large impact…

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How do we measure a Herfindahl-Hirshman Index? What does a low measure mean about the extent of competition? Why can it be difficult to decide what a “market” is for purposes of measuring competition? What is a minimum resale price maintenance agreement? How might it reduce competition and when might it be acce

Assignment What is the goal of antitrust policies? How do we measure a four-firm concentration ratio? What does a high measure mean about the extent of competition? How do we measure a Herfindahl-Hirshman Index? What does a low measure mean…

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