Think about the 16 checkpoints from the author (Marty Neumeier’s Zag). What are they for? How do they work? Think about the brands you have been using for this class. How would these checkpoints help improve these brands?

Marketing Discussion Question Think about the 16 checkpoints from the author (Marty Neumeier’s Zag). What are they for? How do they work? Think about the brands you have been using for this class. How would these checkpoints help improve these…

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What is meaning of the name “Santeria”? Is it a positive terminology or a derogatory one? Explain. When and where did Santeria originate? How many followers of Santeria do we have in the US and in Latin America? What kind of people do practice this religion in the US (education, economic status, ethnicity, race)?

Questions: 1. What is meaning of the name “Santeria”? Is it a positive terminology or a derogatory one? Explain. When and where did Santeria originate? How many followers of Santeria do we have in the US and in Latin America?…

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Identify at least two motivations for using steganography. Should all who use steganography be considered subversive or a danger to society? Identify at least two ways in which steganography complicates forensic investigations and explain why.

CYS 663 Digital forensics During this module, you explored techniques for hiding and scrambling information. Archived/temp data are a reliable source of e-evidence. Identify at least two motivations for using steganography. Should all who use steganography be considered subversive or…

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