A new tunnel which will connect East and South-East London is being built as an additional facility to the existing toll-free Blackwall Tunnel. The Silvertown Tunnel project is being delivered by the Riverlinx consortium

Corporate and Project FinanceCourse(s) YearModuleCodeCredit value Title Weighting Issue date Hand-in date Module Leader Staff contactMSc Construction Project Management 2022/23Corporate and Project Finance EBB_7_14520Project Finance50%14 March 202314 May 2023 at 11.59pm Dr Guowei GuDaniel FongLearning Outcomes• Understand the key sources…

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This portfolio work project, a social media plan and PowerPoint presentation, will help you demonstrate competency in developing effective social media plans that build awareness, customer relationships,

Introduction This portfolio work project, a social media plan and PowerPoint presentation, will help you demonstrate competency in developing effective social media plans that build awareness, customer relationships, and customer loyalty. Scenario You are an owner of Spokin’ Wheels, a…

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