You should have taken the data survey for our class project already (if you have not, please do so before you do this assignment: ).
Our survey contained a number of scales within it and we use scores on those to draw conclusions about the people within our sample. Your task for this assignment is to learn about one of those scales. You can find the PDFs for all of the scales at the bottom of the page. Please pick a scale that sounds interesting to you. For that scale please report the following:
What is the scales’s name?
What is the scale trying to measure?
Does it have any subscales?
What kind of sample was it validated on? (if multiple studies were used in the paper, pick the most interesting one)
What is the reliability of the scale (either test-retest or Chronbach’s alpha)?
If you can’t answer any of these questions, please indicate what information is missing to allow you to answer the question.
This is an easy way to see some details about measures and begin to get ideas about your Paper 1. How might these various constructs relate to each other? Would you expect a gender difference? Would age matter?
Scale PDFs (Pick one and share what you learned about the scale with your peers!)
Big Five Inventory Download Big Five Inventory
Subjective Happiness Scale Download Subjective Happiness Scale
Behavioural Activation and Inhibition System (BIS/BAS) Download Behavioural Activation and Inhibition System (BIS/BAS)
Perceived Stress ScaleDownload Perceived Stress Scale
UCLA Loneliness ScaleDownload UCLA Loneliness Scale
Barratt Impulsivity ScaleDownload Barratt Impulsivity Scale
La Trobe Communication Questionnaire Download La Trobe Communication Questionnaire
The McMaster FADDownload The McMaster FAD
Digit SpanDownload Digit Span
Long Term Memory TaskDownload Long Term Memory Task
Cognitive and Affective Mindfulness ScaleDownload Cognitive and Affective Mindfulness Scale
Eye Reading TestDownload Eye Reading Test