Throughout this course, you will have many opportunities to respond to the opinions and comments of your classmates. Take this opportunity to introduce yourself and to

The post Throughout this course, you will have many opportunities to respond to the opinions and comments of your classmates. Take this opportunity to introduce yourself and to is a property of College Pal
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Throughout this course, you will have many opportunities to respond to the opinions and comments of your classmates. Take this opportunity to introduce yourself and to learn about each other. Be sure to include your name, location, and something about you that you would like your classmates to know.


Hello everyone,

My name is Mauricio Pereyra and I was born and raised in Uruguay, been living in Florida for 17 years now. I have been a nurse for 6 years, 2 of those years I spent travel nursing. Currently I work as a charge nurse in a CDU, but at times I work down in the ER.  A fun fact about myself is that I have a twin brother who is also a nurse, and a sister who is a nursing director. I am looking forward to this class, to be able to keep working toward my goal.

Discussion Topic: Introduction and Policy Involvement

Please introduce yourself and describe how you, as an advance practice nurse, could be involved in the political system.

Describe any involvement that you have had. If you have not had any involvement, describe an area in which you would like to see public policy changed.

Instructions: APA style, 3 references, 1 page or 1 1/2 is enough. 

The post Throughout this course, you will have many opportunities to respond to the opinions and comments of your classmates. Take this opportunity to introduce yourself and to appeared first on College Pal. Visit us at College Pal – Connecting to a pal for your paper

Reference no: EM132069492

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