BEHS 343 Week 2 Discussion: Parenting Influence- Nature vs Nurture 

BEHS 343 Week 2 Discussion: Parenting Influence- Nature vs Nurture 

BEHS 343 Week 2 Discussion: Parenting Influence- Nature vs Nurture 

Week 2 Discussion- Parenting Influence

Child development is multi-layered, implying that different factors influence outcomes. On one end, children inherit some traits from their parents and bloodline. On the other hand, children grow in environments with norms that shape how they behave and perceive issues (Rathus, 2021). The intersection between these elements is the foundation of the nature vs. nurture debate. Both nature and nurture influence child development significantly, although their magnitude varies across contexts.

Nature and nurture are inseparable in child development. From a developmental viewpoint, nature entails the genes and hereditary elements that shape personality, appearance, and other natural traits (Duschinsky, 2020; Kong et al., 2018). For instance, many children inherit their skin color, hair type, and accent from their parents. Some diseases are also genetic and affect how children develop from infancy through adulthood. Nurture characterizes environmental factors influencing behaviors (Dick et al., 2022). Its core element is the child’s immediate environment, where learned experiences through observations and parenting styles influence behavior. A relevant illustration of the impact of nurture is children developing violent behaviors by growing up in violent environments and playing violent games. Effective parenting can help to control negative personalities.

My parents influenced me through behavior regulation and modeling the desired traits. Generally, they set rules that I had to follow and ensured that I did not socialize with aggressive children and criminals. Besides, my skin color and hair texture were inherited from my parents. Although the influences were more nurture, nature and nurture combined to influence most of my traits. Although I have learned many things and altered some behaviors as I advance in age, the influence of nature and nurture has been critical to my overall development.

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BEHS 343 Week 2 Discussion: Parenting Influence- Nature vs Nurture  References

Dick, D. M., Riley, B., & Kendler, K. S. (2022). Nature and nurture in neuropsychiatric genetics: Where do we stand?. Dialogues in Clinical Neuroscience.

Duschinsky, R. (2020). Cornerstones of attachment research. Oxford University Press.

Kong, A., Thorleifsson, G., Frigge, M. L., Vilhjalmsson, B. J., Young, A. I., Thorgeirsson, T. E., … & Stefansson, K. (2018). The nature of nurture: Effects of parental genotypes. Science359(6374), 424-428.

Rathus, S. A. (2021). Childhood and adolescence: Voyages in development. Cengage Learning.

After reviewing this week’s learning resources, discuss the role of nature vs. nurture on child development, including the impact of genetics and environmental factors like socioeconomic status, cultural norms, etc.

In what ways do you think your parents influenced you? Were these influences more “nature” or “nurture?”

An excellent response will be 2-3 paragraphs long, refer to the week’s learning resources, and be well-written.

Reference no: EM132069492

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