Climate Context of Disaster: Displacement, Migration, & Refugees

One key “environmental layer” upon which all socio-ecological systems are superimposed is climate. Climate—the long-term temperature and moisture conditions a region experiences—provides a reference state to which life has adapted. Changes in climate conditions result in changes to the distribution of (and to the nature of) life. In this assignment, analyze ways current changes in climate conditions are affecting global natural disasters and resulting in the displacement/migration of human populations.


Part 1: Climate & Natural Disasters (Fact Sheet Page 1)

For this assignment, complete an assessment of the “climate context of disaster” in the form of a “ fact sheet.”


· Fact sheet page 1: discuss trends in climate change, and current and predicted impacts of climate on the characteristics of natural disasters (e.g. frequency, intensity, timing, duration, location, etc.). Provide a general overview of current and projected impacts on human populations within the context of culture, economics, education, ethnicity, health (access to food, water, and healthcare), politics, race, religion, and/or technology (access to information, monitoring).


· As part of the overview, select a climate characteristic (temperature, moisture, etc.) and run a prediction model related to that climate characteristic using the IPCC Sixth Assessment Report’s Atlas. Take a screenshot of the map you create and include that image on your fact sheet.


· Watch the introduction to the Interactive Atlas:


Landing page for the IPCC WGI Interactive Atlas.  The introductory video image is circled.


· Visit the IPCC Atlas. To access the advanced settings which allow you to run climate models, click on the bottom half of the “Regional Information” rectangle:


Screenshot of the IPCC interactive atlas landing page with the bottom triangle of the rectangle–advanced Regional Information highlighted.  Use the advanced portal to create your map.


· Then, take the “atlas tour”:


Screenshot of the Welcome message which invites users to take a tour of the IPCC Interactive Atlas.


· Finally, run your model. You do not need to change settings under the “dataset” drop-down menu. From the climate “Variable” drop-down menu, select the variable you have decided to model. From the “Quantity and Scenario” drop-down menu, select the amount of change. You can also keep the model at an “Annual” timescale, or you can change the “Season” to view predicted changes within the context of different seasons. IPCC-Atlas interface with drop-down menus highlighted–Variable & Quantity/Scenario.


· As you change the characteristics, the map will change to reflect the model parameters you set. Record the characteristics of your model and take a screenshot of the map you have created. In your fact sheet, include the map and use the model characteristics in your figure caption. For example:


Example of global climate change map generated by IPCC Atlas.  Projected global average annual temperatures 2100.  Map created using IPCC-Interactive Atlas, Variable Mean Temp. OC, Warming 4 OC, Scenario SSP5-8.5, Baseline 1981-2010, Season Annual.  2022.


Fig. # Projected global average annual temperatures 2100. Map created using IPCC-Interactive Atlas, Variable Mean Temp. OC, Warming 4 OC, Scenario SSP5-8.5, Baseline 1981-2010, Season Annual. 2022.


Part 2: Regional Climate Disaster Vulnerability (Fact Sheet Page 2)

On page 2 of your fact sheet, select one of the following global regions and summarize the region’s climate disaster vulnerability. Describe trends in climate change, predicted patterns of natural disasters, and projected impacts on human populations/human migration within that region. Include a “fact section” on disaster and social justice. Consider including a description of a specific location within the selected region as an example illustrating trends/impacts. Regions to consider: (1) North America/Central America/Caribbean, (2) South America, (3) Africa, (4) Australia & Pacific Islands, (5) Europe, and (6) Asia.


A fact sheet template has been provided for you in Brightspace. Modify the template to suit your approach and style.


NASA Physical Global Map.  Natural Climate Disaster Regions shaded on the map: (1) North America/Central America/Caribbean, (2) South America, (3) Africa, (4) Europe, (5) Asia, (6) Australia & the Pacific Islands.


Figure 1: NASA global physical map with “case study” regions highlighted.


Readings and Recordings

Use the following resources to complete your Climate Disaster Assessment Report. You may need additional research related to a specific case study to complete your regional analysis.


Recordings highlighting climate disaster context

Beating the Heat: Climate Crisis is a human crisis (Recording 3:32)


Climate Change Refugees (Recording 3:37)


US Climate Migration (Recording 3:24)


Climate Change and Disasters

Climate Change Overview: NASAs Vital Signs of the Planet


IPCC Sixth Assessment Report


This link takes you to the complete report, which is lengthy. I have highlighted specific resources that you will find useful for this assignment, and I wanted you to have the link to the entire report.


IPCC Sixth Assessment Report Fact Sheets: Physical Science Basis


This link takes you to a webpage dedicated to regional fact sheets which summarize trends in climate change by region.


IPCC Sixth Assessment Report FAQ—Water Cycle


This link takes you a summary of Chapter 8 of the report by way of questions frequently asked about climate change relative to the hydrologic cycle.


IPCC Sixth Assessment Report FAQ—Ocean, Cryosphere, and Sea Level Change


This link takes you a summary of Chapter 9 of the report by way of questions frequently asked about climate change relative to changing sea levels.


IPCC Sixth Assessment Report FAQ—Climate Change and Trends in Extreme Events


This link takes you a summary of Chapter 11 of the report by way of questions frequently asked about climate change relative to extreme events.


IPCC Sixth Assessment Report Fact Sheets: Impacts, Adaptation, and Vulnerability


FAQs IPCC Sixth Assessment Report: Impacts, Adaptation, and Vulnerability


Climate Change Action

UN SDGs #13 Climate Action


Platform on Disaster Displacement–Context


Platform on Disaster Displacement—Our Response


Platform on Disaster Displacement—Leaving Place Restoring Home


Platform on Disaster Displacement—Workplan 2019-2022


Global Compact For Migration


The Global Compact on Refugees

Reference no: EM132069492

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