PS Group is a company providing utility services to households in Singapore. It supplies cooking gas, electricity, and water: Java Eclipse Assignment, HCC

PS Group is a company providing utility services to households in Singapore. It supplies cooking gas, electricity, and water. To improve efficiency, the company has decided to introduce a utility billing program* for its customers. The program allows customers to submit their utility meter readings and get the actual bill based on their consumption.

After a discussion with the manager, you received the following information about the desired functions of the system:

1a. Basic Features: Allow customers to login to:

Submit the meter reading
Edit and delete the meter reading entered
Display the bill based on the consumption
Confirm/save the bill information into the data storage (vector)

1b. Basic Features: Allow staff to login to:

Set the prices for the utilities
Set the charges of each service
Edit and delete the prices of utilities and service charges entered
Confirm/save the prices of utilities and service charges into the data storage (vector)

2. Integration of above modules 1a and 1b: Allow staff to log in to:

View the bills of all customers
View the individual customer bill
Calculate the total utility bill of all customers

3. Bonus Features

Allow cost per unit of utility to be uploaded from a text file.
Add peak and non-peak hours usage and provide a discount on the bill.
You are not limited to the above features for scoring bonus marks.

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Reference no: EM132069492

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