Digital Resource Information

The two applications /website I choosed are; Lalilo ( K-2 literacy program) and Reading Eggs (robust reading program)
In a written 2-4-page tutorial, include the following information:
1. What are the names /URLs of the websites/apps?
2. Are they for Mac or PC?
3. What are the costs associated with them?
4. Which essentials of reading do the websites or apps rehearse or teach and
for what grade level might they be appropriate?
5. How would you integrate them and use them in a literacy classroom?
6. What are the teacher controls and what data do they generate? Can teachers
see which levels or activities their students have completed and how
successful the students were?
7. What are the benefits and drawbacks? Are they easy for teachers to use? Are
they easy for children to navigate? Can non-readers understand what to do
with minimal teacher explanation?
8. What are the benefits and drawbacks in terms of the approach to teaching the
essentials of reading? How clear or confusing is the instruction? For example:
Is the picture for the short vowel “e” a picture of an Eskimo, which might be
confusing for some students or is it an egg, which might be more universally
9. Are they accessible to all learners?
10.What features do they have that make them universally accessible, if at all?
Do they have a “sound feature” that reads to users? Do they have text and




The post Digital Resource Information first appeared on COMPLIANT PAPERS.

Reference no: EM132069492

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