Part One of your Individual Project:
You will turn in a typed paper with the following.
Title of Social Venture Idea
Venture Summary (8-10 sentences)
Description of your idea
What is the social problem your venture will solve
What is your mission / vision (pg 57 for Mission Statements)
2. Social Opportunity Assessment Tool
read page 46-57 in textbook
( template for Tool is found here Download here)
You need to fill out the template with as much detail as possible to support each section, as these answers will feed into part 2.
Please include atleast 1 source citation as reference for where you are pulling your idea information.
Social Opportunity Assessment Tool
Social Value Impact
Social Need
Mission Alignment
Achievable Impact
Social Return on Investment
Community Support
Market Potential
Customer Need or Want
Window of Opportunity
Investor Interest
Market Size
Market Share Attainable
Competitive Advantage Potential
Barriers to Entry
Prospective partnerships or alliances
Control over Costs
Compelling Mission
Management Teams
Sustainability Potential
Venture Capacity
Venture Capability
Investor Interest
Ability to Generate Earned Income
Compelling Mission