The final product will be a 2 1/2-3 page document that addresses and describes your ideas your beliefs for establishing a positive multicultural mindset and family involvement practices.
INTRODUCTION Briefly (in a paragraph of about 5-8 sentences) describe your philosophy/beliefs of incorporating multiculturalism and families in education. Then transition into addressing the following four areas.
ENVIRONMENT Required Provide a description and examples of how you will create a family friendly and inviting multicultural environment. Discuss your general ideas and include some examples.
Guiding Questions How will you establish an atmosphere of openness with parents? How will you build a positive rapport with parents? How will the parents know that you want to establish a relationship with them? How does the environment create space for multiculturalism?
COMMUNICATION Required Address how you will build two-way communication with your students’ families. How do you feel teacher-family communication can be incorporated into a child’s education? What types of messages (to students or families) will you provide about multicultural education within your classroom? Provide examples you may implement. Guiding Questions Be sure to think of this as a two-way relationship. How will you approach parents? How will you introduce yourself to the parents? How will you provide information to the parents, and how will you get information from the parents? How will you learn about your students and the knowledge that exists in their homes/families?
ON CAMPUS Required What are your beliefs about on-campus family engagement? Provide examples you may implement.
Guiding Questions
How will you bring parents on campus? What opportunities will you provide for parents to come to campus? What modifications will be made for parents who do not/cannot come to campus? Consider opportunities that a) relate to academic development, and 6) related to individual development. How does your plan address equity, access, and inclusion?
OFF CAMPUS What are your beliefs about off-campus engagement? Address ways that you can facilitate family involvement in a child’s education away off campus. Consider academic and non-academic involvement that benefits the students. Provide examples you may implement.
Guiding Questions
How will you foster parental engagement away from campus? How will you help parents become more involved in the academic and non-academic lives of their children at home? How can you foster this type of engagement in the student’s home? How can you help support multicultural awareness and development away from campus? How will you contribute to the home-school connection?
The final product will be a 2 X -3-page document that addresses and describes your ideas your beliefs for establishing a positive multicultural mindset and family involvement practices.
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