Quality Improvement Project (QIP) In Nursing

Please complete the attached form while using this information as a guide:
The purpose of the quality improvement project is to:
Examine a quality or process issue in your practice setting.
Clearly state the problem or process you are considering.
Make sure your scope is narrow—do not select something too broad (such as “the nursing shortage”). Make it specific and relevant to your work setting.
Focus on interventions that you as a RN can implement independently. If this is something that would require an order from a medical provider is not an independent action you can influence as an RN. That which would require administration to decide for or against is not something you can directly influence as an RN.
Briefly outline the need for change and/or its urgency.
Explain why this project is important to you personally.
Explain why this project is important to the organization, patient care, or the nursing profession more broadly.
Clearly define the goals of the improvement project.
Identify the stakeholders and/or the departments involved.


The post Quality Improvement Project (QIP) In Nursing first appeared on COMPLIANT PAPERS.

Reference no: EM132069492

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