You will compile your plan for selection and implementation of a new EHR system based on the work that you have done in Weeks 13. You will also create a Request for Proposal (

This week, you have 2 deliverables. You will compile your plan for selection and implementation of a new EHR system based on the work that you have done in Weeks 1–3. You will also create a Request for Proposal (RFP) using a standard template. Continue to utilize the scenario to assist you with your plan completion.

Part 1 Task: Implementation Plan for Replacement of the EHR System

Compile the information from the IP assignments in weeks 1–3 into your draft plan. Remember to incorporate the following:

Introduction paragraph: What is this plan all about, what are you discussing, and why is this necessary 
Components of the plan: Here you incorporate your findings from weeks 1–3 into 1 document 

Address the readiness assessment, benefits, and potential implementation issues 
The overall project plan, including organization, migration path, plan for communication to stakeholders, and change management

Recommendation of vendors

Considerations in selecting a vendor 
Which vendors were researched 
Which vendor was selected, and why 

Part 2 Task: Request for Proposal

Now that you have selected a vendor to supply a replacement EHR system to the clinic, you must submit a request for proposal (RFP). The RFP is a valuable tool that is used to provide detailed requirements to potential vendors and gives guidelines to those vendors to follow during the bidding contract. The RFP is a solicitation to a vendor to provide information that helps you make a decision on which vendor to choose for the new EHR.

The first part of the RFP includes a cover letter to the vendor and a general description of what is being requested and what needs to be included. This is the part of the RFP that you will prepare. The second part covers the proposal that the vendor would fill out and complete to cover the following (Wagner et al., 2022): 

Vendor qualifications: General background of vendor, experience, number of installations, financial stability, and so forth  
Proposed solutions: How the vendor believes its product meets organizational goals  
General contractual requirements: Warranties, payment schedule, penalties for failure to meet schedule specified in the contract, and so forth  
Pricing and support: Quote on cost of system, utilization of standardized forms, and so forth  
Clinical decision and administrative support: Discuss the advantages of Clinical Decision Support Systems (CDSS) and a Management Information Systems (MIS) on the health care information systems, especially with the EHR

Complete the first part of the RFP, which will list numerous items that Yorkshire Clinic requires for its new EHR system, such as the following: 

Information about the clinic  
What functionality is desired  
Product description  
Patient accounting and reimbursement

Utilize the format provided in the document at this link to assist you in your proposal. Use the RFP template for health information technology. This document provides information on how to write your RFP. Note: You only need to write the RFP. This template contains numerous pages after the proposal description that would be used by the potential vendor of the EHR system to whom you send the RFP. Do not complete or submit the Vendor Profile” because this is what a vendor would complete and return to you for consideration.

Reference no: EM132069492

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