Outline for Research Paper

In week 8, you will be submitting your research paper. In this discussion, create and post your outline for that paper, making sure that you use  complete sentences for all elements of the outline. Include your  thesis statement in the outline in  bold font. Remember that, if you have one sub-heading, you should have at least one more. Do not make elements of your outline large blocks of text; usually a sentence or two will suffice for each element. This video has some good ideas about outlining:  Outlining Video.


Here is a sentence outline in APA style:  Sample Outline APA


Responses to Other Students


When responding to your peers’ outlines, consider these questions and suggestions.


· What questions do you have after seeing their outline?


· Is there a strong and well-worded thesis statement?


· How do the body paragraphs support the thesis statement?

Reference no: EM132069492

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