The idea of patient as customer and the importance of patient satisfaction have received a lot of attention over the past two decades.

The idea of patient as customer and the importance of patient satisfaction have received a lot of attention over the past two decades. Many instruments have been developed to measure patient satisfaction. Medicare?s HCAHPS tool has become the de facto standard survey for assessing in-patient satisfaction?for both the Medicare and non-Medicare patient population. In response, various care models, tools, and techniques have been developed to improve patient satisfaction scores. Nearly all focus on a team approach to patient-centered care.

This assignment asks you to create a PowerPoint presentation that would be delivered to the senior leadership team of a hospital. You are encouraged to use your place of employment (if appropriate and relevant), a hospital that you are familiar with, or a ?generic? hospital.

For help creating PowerPoint presentations, refer to:

PowerPoint Design Suggestions [PDF].

Guidelines for Effective PowerPoint Presentations [PPTX].

A major component of this assignment is to draw from recent, peer-reviewed literature to develop specific tactics to improve both the patient-experience and patient-satisfaction scores. Your assignment is expected to offer an assessment of the empirical findings presented in journal articles and offer insights into the managerial implications.

For help finding peer-reviewed articles, refer to How Do I Find Peer-Reviewed Articles?

Use APA style for references and citations only. Refer to:

APA Style Paper Tutorial [DOCX].
Evidence and APA.

Your assignment will be graded using the following criteria:

Defend the validity and reliability of a patient satisfaction survey instrument.

Why would you recommend that the leadership team endorse the use of the patient satisfaction survey instrument that you have chosen?
A ?reliable? survey instrument is one that produces consistent results that can be replicated.
A ?valid? survey instrument is one that accurately measures what it is supposed to measure.

Explain why the worst-performing items in a patient satisfaction survey instrument present the greatest challenges for the organization.

Identify the five questions that tend to yield the lowest patient satisfaction performance scores at other, similar organizations; offer empirical support for your choices.
From the research, what do most organizations struggle with? What are the questions on which they score the worst?
What do you expect to be the most challenging patient satisfaction items for the health care organization setting that you have chosen?
Drawing from the articles you selected, explain why those measures of patient satisfaction present the greatest challenges.

Recommend viable solutions to address common challenges in patient satisfaction.

For each of the five worst-performing survey items, propose at least two viable solutions that the organization should consider implementing to improve the patient experience.
Justify your recommendations.
?Viable? means that your selection and justification must be sensitive to organizational constraints and limitations. For example, offering the solution ?hire more nurses? is not feasible for most organizations, given the cost implications and considering the nursing shortage.

Justify execution methods to support proposed solutions.

Suggest execution methods (such as using informal power, building consensus, driving results, cultivating creativity, and other methods) that could be used to support your proposed solutions for improving the patient experience and patient satisfaction.
Justify the suggested execution methods: Show how the suggested execution methods are relevant to patient satisfaction problems and would be useful in implementing your proposed solutions.

Support main points, assertions, arguments, conclusions, and recommendations with relevant and credible evidence. 

Additional Requirements

You are expected to draw meaningful content from at least five recent articles (no more than 5 years old) from scholarly research journals (peer-reviewed).
Note: You may cite the assigned readings as sources in your presentation, but these readings do not count toward the five that are required.
Presentation is expected to have at least 20, but no more than 30 slides.
Presentation must include detailed Speaker?s Notes (at least 100 words for each slide).
Presentation must also include a title page and reference list that adheres to APA formatting.
Title page and reference list slides are not included in the 20-slide count, and do not require any speaker?s notes.

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Reference no: EM132069492

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