On a balmy Sunday morning in August 1628, almost the entire populace of Stockholm, Sweden turned out for the festivities surrounding the launch of the Vasa, the most powerful and ornamented vessel ever commissioned by his Excellency King Gustavus II Adolphus.

 a.   Content: On a balmy Sunday morning in August 1628, almost the entire populace of Stockholm, Sweden turned out for the festivities surrounding the launch of the Vasa, the most powerful and ornamented vessel ever commissioned by his Excellency King Gustavus II Adolphus for the Royal Navy. No expense had been spared in the construction of this sophisticated modern warship, which cost more than 5% of the Swedish GNP to build. The finest shipbuilders and artisans had spent months constructing a vessel designed to strike fear in the heart of Sweden?s enemies. While still in the harbor, the crew set the sails of the Vasa. She immediately keeled over, with seawater pouring through the gun ports and over the decks. The Vasa sank to the bottom of Stockholm harbor, carrying fifty sailors to their grave. 2,000 words

The post On a balmy Sunday morning in August 1628, almost the entire populace of Stockholm, Sweden turned out for the festivities surrounding the launch of the Vasa, the most powerful and ornamented vessel ever commissioned by his Excellency King Gustavus II Adolphus. first appeared on My Writers.

Reference no: EM132069492

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