Deliverable 6 – Assessment and Gap Analysis of HR Activities ???????????????????????APA 7editionsAssignment Content CompetencyDevelop

Deliverable 6 – Assessment and Gap Analysis of HR Activities                        APA 7editions

Assignment Content

Develop a strategic Human Resources plan that aligns to stakeholder preferences, business strategies, and organizational outcomes.

Student Success Criteria
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You are the vice president of HR of a publicly-traded organization. This organization is growing rapidly and is pushing into new markets in the US. The CEO is under pressure from the shareholders to exceed last year?s revenue levels, so she has confided to you that it is critical that the new units being opened this year be profit-generating within three quarters. She has tasked you with ensuring that the proper mix of the right employees with the right skills will be in place in these new locations at the right time. In order for you to make sure you can provide for this strategic need, you realize you need to determine the current mix within the organization to identify any potential gaps of employees or skills. Therefore, you have decided to conduct a gap analysis regarding the appropriate staffing needed.

In order to provide recommendations to the CEO on the appropriate staffing mix needed, conduct an assessment of your current employees in your organization, as well as the projected needs for the new locations which will open this year. This gap analysis should contain the following components:

Assessment of staffing levels, current vs. projected
Assessment of employee skills, current vs. projected
Recommended HR activities to reduce or eliminate identified gap




Please follow the sample template  that I unpload  below  for direction

2Questions separate paper for the answer , It relates to this assignments 

1)  which big questions about this competency remain for you?

2)  How do you think this competency may connect to others in this course?  


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Reference no: EM132069492

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