Discuss the following information related to the medication ( Lithium) a mood stabilizer . Evidence based treatment selection (FDA approved uses) Off label uses, if any Co

discuss the following information related to the medication ( Lithium) a mood stabilizer .

Evidence based treatment selection (FDA approved uses)
Off label uses, if any
Contraindications, if any to use
Mechanism of action
Potential side effects
Lab monitoring/ follow up
Role of the Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitioner in the role of prescribing and managing the medication

Include a minimum of 4 evidence-based articles to support your paper that are 5 years old or less (exceptions: DSM-5 and course textbooks).
3 pagesno plagiarism more than 10 %due date September 16, 2023

The post Discuss the following information related to the medication ( Lithium) a mood stabilizer . Evidence based treatment selection (FDA approved uses) Off label uses, if any Co first appeared on Writeden.

Reference no: EM132069492

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