Record your thoughts in 250-300 words and how it can be applied to your life: Explain why you specifically chose this topic over the others. Approach this assignment with th

 Record your thoughts in 250-300 words and how it can be applied to your life:

Explain why you specifically chose this topic over the others.
Approach this assignment with the intention of being challenged.
Evaluate your personal reaction to key concepts/theories learned in this topic.
Share how the topic may be related to your personal life and/or present or future career.
What did you learn from this topic’s CREATE assignment? The content includes an insightful, unique, and cogent self-reflection on the rationale for topic selection, discussion of any biases toward a certain perspective related to the topic, and consideration of how the topic may be related to the student’s personal life and/or present or future career.


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Reference no: EM132069492

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