The problems themselves can be minor, but solutions can make changes in these communities.

Project Topic: Textbook expenses are too costly and limit some students

Social Responsibility Project: One component of this course is a social responsibility project. You will identify a problem IN OUR CAMPUS!

Pick recent, local, and interesting issues you find close to your heart. The problems themselves can be minor, but solutions can make changes in these communities.

14?16-page  (double-spaced can include exhibits/visuals/ tables). Please use section headings to organize your writing. Use any citation style, e.g., APA or MLA format, but APA is preferred. Visit these websites for more information.

Executive Summary (ES), single-spaced of 250 words or less – should provide the reader with a clear sense of the purpose and content of the memo (or report).

 The following headline should include in the report: Executive Summary, Background, why is This a Complex Issue?  Importance of this issue,  Stakeholder Analysis, Political Activity, Recommended Solution, Conclusion.

I included two sample reports for this project. You can just follow their format. 


The post The problems themselves can be minor, but solutions can make changes in these communities. first appeared on My Writers.

Reference no: EM132069492

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