You are the vice president of HR of a publicly-traded organization.



Analyze the relationship between effective Human Resources strategies and organizational outcomes.

Student Success Criteria

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You are the vice president of HR of a publicly-traded organization. This organization currently follows one specific market differentiator and has for a decade. However, the CEO is cognizant of market changes and wants to run a pilot study in which one of the business units focus on a different market differentiator. He has asked you to help build the necessary tools required to shift the culture of this business unit from the old market differentiator to the new one. In order to do this, you will need to create new HR policies that are markedly different from the ones currently in place supporting the current market differentiator.


As part of the needed research and background information, you need to write the new HR policies, identify which is the current market differentiator of the organization, and then select a second differentiator that could be the new focus of the business unit that has been chosen.

Write a draft HR policy that you can present to the CEO on hours of work and attendance reflective of each market differentiator you have picked. Your policy must contain the following elements:

Introductory information about the market differentiator
Policy Statement
2-3 narrative paragraphs explaining how this policy supports the market differentiator
Provide supporting references


Article databases:

Business Source Complete via EBSCO
Business via ProQuest
Regional Business News via EBSCO

Company Information & 10-Ks:

Mergent Online
Instructions for accessing 10-Ks using Mergent Online
APA Guide
Rasmussen?s Answers/FAQs

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Reference no: EM132069492

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