Describe the victim’s profile (as connected to an offender’s victim pool). Include common reactions of a victim related to a sexual offense.

Locate current crime statistics in your area for ONE of the offenses:

Contact offense against child
Non-contact offense against a child
Contact offense against an adult
Non-contact offense against an adult

Write a 525- to 700-word paper on the specific type of offense.

Include the following:

Research this type of offense. What are the typical motivators for the offender?
Describe the characteristics of offenders who typically commit the selected offense.
Describe the victim’s profile (as connected to an offender’s victim pool). Include common reactions of a victim related to a sexual offense.
Describe the different types of laws related to the selected offense and how the offense is normally prosecuted.
Describe the effectiveness of statutes and laws in reducing the occurrence of sex crimes.

Include a minimum 2 sources.

Format any citations in your paper consistent with APA guidelines.

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