Find three advertisements to examine. Find an international version of an advertisement for ONE of the (same) products. Write a minimum of three paragraphs to explain the following:

Find three advertisements to examine.
Find an international version of an advertisement for ONE of the (same) products.
Write a minimum of three paragraphs to explain the following: 

Describe the needs (as identified in Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs model) that each ad addresses.  
Where does this ad/product fall on the scale?
Discuss how Maslow’s model, attitudes, and other factors (like lifestyle or situational factors) may affect the purchase of this product or response to the ad.
What differences to do you see in the international version of the ad

The post Find three advertisements to examine. Find an international version of an advertisement for ONE of the (same) products. Write a minimum of three paragraphs to explain the following: first appeared on Writeden.

Reference no: EM132069492

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