For this you will perform a Personal SWOT Analysis to examine your potential skills as a Licensed Real Estate Agent.


For this you will perform a Personal SWOT Analysis to examine your potential skills as a Licensed Real Estate Agent.

(SWOT = Strengths – Weaknesses – Opportunities – Threats)


If you are unfamiliar with how to conduct a SWOT analysis, here are some excellent resources to assist you. Check YouTube and google.

Once you are familiar with how to conduct a SWOT analysis, write your own for your work. You do need an introduction and a conclusion paragraph. Please separate your SWOT into 4 sections: Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats. If you create a chart outlining these four areas you may include the chart as a diagram.



**Do not just create a list. The work must include complete sentences in fully formed paragrap.


Cover Page
SWOT Analysis (4 pg minimum)
APA Format- there should be research for this work.
Ref Page

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Reference no: EM132069492

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