The purpose of the Discussions is to examine the ethical values displayed in various organizations and view such in light of Scripture, the course text, and scholarly research. For eac


The purpose of the Discussions is to examine the ethical values displayed in various organizations and view such in light of Scripture, the course text, and scholarly research. For each Discussion thread, write a 400–500-word thread that presents an analysis of the readings in Hill’s text. Your thread will not summarize the readings; instead, this will analyze the readings in light of Biblical truths and outside research. Follow the specifics in each discussion in addition to the instructions here. 


BMAL 570

Discussion Assignment Instructions


Within the Discussion, the student is required to post a thread in response to the provided prompt for each discussion. Please remember to write these discussions like mini-papers.  Biblical connections from the Bible (NIV or KJV) are required. Use these instructions and any additional information in each specific discussion instructions.


Our reading this module looked more closely at the challenges of being a Christian in tough business environments. With this in mind, Hill’s chapters 9 and 10 discuss Honesty and Deception and Concealment and Disclosure.

You are a leader from one of the companies from one of the case studies in chapters 9 or 10. The media is requesting a comment from the company. Create a press release explaining the actions of this company. Remember to include in this press release a great title/headline, include quotes, supporting details, contact information, a customer testimonial, a reason for the audience to care, and a Biblical connection. Be sure to discuss one of the components from these two chapters (Honesty, Deception, Concealment, and Disclosure).

The purpose of the Discussions is to examine the ethical values displayed in various organizations and view such in light of Scripture, the course text, and scholarly research. For eac first appeared on Writeden.

Reference no: EM132069492

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