Aftershock Documentary Reflection


Watch the Maternal Mortality Documentary Aftershock on Hulu
Respond to a total of 10 questions below. In any combination (ex. 4a, 4b, 7, 8b, 8c, 9, 10, 11a, 17, 18)

1. What was your overall reaction to the documentary?

2. Was this a fair and balanced dive into this issue? Did you see any bias/influence/slant?

3. How did the documentary directly and indirectly address racial stereotypes?

4. Shamony

a. What s/s of a PE did Shamony have?

b. Why did medical personnel ask if she was “on drugs”? Was there a medical reason? It obviously upset members of her family,

c. Do you believe her death could have been prevented? Explain your answer.


5. Amber
a. What s/s was Amber having that there might be complications happening?

b. Freeze the labs at approx. 15min. What do you see? What does this mean? (one thing to note is they had lab values which means there was concern enough by the medical team to draw them)
c. Freeze the medical records at approx. 16 min and read more than just what is highlighted

6. Men’s Group
a. What is your reaction to this men’s support group?

b. What was your reaction to Mustafa saying about the healthcare system “honestly, I just don’t think they care”

7. Harvard Medical School (with Dr. Neel Shah): What are your thoughts about the VBAC calculator including race or any other medical calculator including race

8. Hillcrest Medical Center, Tulsa
a. What was your reaction to hear that our state was in the bottom 5 and that our maternal mortality is double the national average?

b. What was your reaction to the discussion about cost and payment hospitals incur and receive. Do you think these “incentives” are consciously know by the docs and the rest of the healthcare team, or not?

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Reference no: EM132069492

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