Characteristics of the business organization’s form.


Choose one business organization, also known as a company. Use the Handshake Guide to help you search for business organizations on Handshake. Use the Shapiro Library Guide: Company Research page to research the company you chose. You may use any of the databases and resources provided in the guide to research and address the following:
• Identify and describe at least three characteristics of the business organization’s form.
• Identify and describe at least three key functional areas that exist in the business organization.
• Describe the relationships between the organization’s form and functions. Begin by reviewing the characteristics that make up the form of the organization that you just researched and consider how each characteristic of the form influences the various functions. For example, you might consider questions such as the following:
o If an organization is small, how does this influence each department and its role within the organization?
o If an organization is nonprofit, how does this influence the various functions within the organization?
o If the organization has multiple locations, how does this affect how each functional area operates and communicates?
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Reference no: EM132069492

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