Global health focuses on understanding healthcare in an international and interdisciplinary context. It includes the learning, research, and practice of medicine for improving health

Global health focuses on understanding healthcare in an international and interdisciplinary context. It includes the learning, research, and practice of medicine for improving health and healthcare equity for populations worldwide.

In this course, you will explore major global health challenges and their impacts on healthcare delivery systems. But, before you start examining these aspects of global health, it’s time to introduce yourself to your peers and your instructor.

In your initial post, address the following:

Introduce yourself and identify your discipline. Include some information about your educational or professional background.
What role do you currently play or plan to play in healthcare and healthcare systems? What significance does your role have on a healthcare team?
How is your worldview of the “right to healthcare” informed by the scholarly evidence and your professional role? As much as possible, try to fairly, objectively, and briefly characterize consensus views related to this topic, while acknowledging areas where opinions diverge.
Support any claims that you make with scholarly sources from the literature.

Textbook link:

Reading: Global Health Care: Issues and Policies, Chapters 1 and 6 


About Me

My name is Deanna Buchanan, and I am from a small town called Chester, SC. I have a 11-year-old son and I’m currently working as a patient access consultant. I graduated from Winthrop University in 2011 majoring in Speech Pathology with a minor in Business Administration. I never really got to work in my profession due to the State of SC would not give me my license because I did not have clinical hours. So, I got discourage and started working odd jobs. In 2018 I decided to get my Master’s in Higher Education in Administration. I received my degree from SNHU in August 2021. I look for jobs at difference universities but taking those jobs would have been a big pay cut. I been working in the healthcare field since 2012 so I said it made sense to get a degree in the healthcare field. I also have a part time at the hospital working as an ER patient registrar.  I hope to gain knowledge in this course to help me further in life. I do not know what to expect in this course so I’m taking it week by week. My profession goal is to land a good paying job in the healthcare field. The healthcare field is so broad so I’m really stilling deciding what route I want to take.

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Reference no: EM132069492

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