In this discussion, you will explore the influence of technology on criminal investigations. As you perform your research, consider the technology we have examined so far. Use credib

In this discussion, you will explore the influence of technology on criminal investigations. As you perform your research, consider the technology we have examined so far. Use credible news sites that report on criminal cases.

For your initial post, find a real-world example of police using technology and explain the impact the technology use had on the criminal investigation. Specifically address the following:

Find an article and post the link. Cite your source at the end of the discussion using APA format.
Describe what technology was used and how it was used.
Explain whether the use of the technology led to a positive outcome.

In response to two of your peers, discuss how the use of their chosen technology aided in the efficiency of solving the crime. How do those efficiencies help law enforcement overcome potential challenges in cases?

To complete this assignment, review the Discussion Rubric.


Discussion Rubric: Undergraduate (Standard)

The post In this discussion, you will explore the influence of technology on criminal investigations. As you perform your research, consider the technology we have examined so far. Use credib first appeared on Writeden.

Reference no: EM132069492

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