What are some common memory disorders and their effects on daily life? Several memory disorders or memory impairments can stem from psychological or psychiatric conditions. It’s impo


What are some common memory disorders and their effects on daily life? Several memory disorders or memory impairments can stem from psychological or psychiatric conditions. It’s important to remember that memory can be affected in a variety of ways by these disorders. Some may cause vivid, intrusive memories, while others may lead to forgetfulness or the inability to form new memories. 

Refer to the attached document for assignment details and grading rubric.


PSY 102 – Fundamentals of Psychology II

Memory Disorders

Due Date: , Points: 100 Overview: What are some common memory disorders and their effects on daily life? Several memory disorders or memory impairments can stem from psychological or psychiatric conditions. It’s important to remember that memory can be affected in a variety of ways by these disorders. Some may cause vivid, intrusive memories, while others may lead to forgetfulness or the inability to form new memories. Instructions: Create a PowerPoint presentation on memory disorders in psychology. Choose one of the following disorders:

• Dissociative Amnesia: This is typically caused by a traumatic event, leading to an inability to remember personal information or specific periods.

• Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD): This disorder can lead to flashbacks or intrusive memories of traumatic events.

• Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID): Formerly known as multiple personality disorder, DID can involve memory gaps about personal information or past events.

• Depression: Severe depression can lead to memory problems, especially difficulties with concentration and attention that can affect the encoding of new information and retrieval of stored memories.

• Anxiety Disorders: High levels of anxiety can interfere with the formation of new memories and the retrieval of existing ones.

• Schizophrenia: This disorder can cause memory problems, particularly with working memory.

• Bipolar Disorder: Both depressive and manic phases can affect memory. Depression can lead to difficulties in concentration and memory, while mania can lead to gaps in memory.

• Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD): While not traditionally thought of as a memory disorder, some people with OCD can have doubts about their memories and may feel the need to check or seek reassurance repeatedly.

• Conversion Disorder (Functional Neurological Symptom Disorder): This disorder can include functional amnesia as a symptom.

• Psychogenic Amnesia (Fugue State): This is a rare condition where a person’s memory and sense of identity are affected. Typically, it’s a reaction to extreme stress or trauma.

• Alcohol-Related ‘Blackouts’: Although not strictly a psychiatric disorder, chronic alcohol misuse can lead to periods of amnesia, where the person cannot recall events during periods of intoxication.

Cannot use previous work from 101 (please select a different disorder).

Provide in-depth information on the memory disorder, symptoms, causes, diagnosis and treatment of that disorder. The presentation should also include case studies, examples, and statistics to help illustrate the impact of memory disorders on individuals and society.

Overall, the goal is to demonstrate your understanding of memory disorders in psychology and your ability to communicate this information effectively through a presentation.


• While there is no word-count minimum, the questions should be fully addressed in your own words (paraphrase).

• Submit a PowerPoint presentation in APA format. • At least three scholarly sources.

Be sure to read the criteria below by which your work will be evaluated before you write and again after you write.

Evaluation Rubric for Memory Disorders Assignment

CRITERIA Deficient Needs Improvement

Proficient Exemplary

0 – 29 points 30 – 39 points 40 – 49 points 50 points Memory Disorder Overview

Does not provide an in- depth, accurate, and concise overview of the memory disorder, symptoms, causes, diagnosis, and treatment of the memory disorder. OR missing three or more of the components.

Provides a somewhat in- depth, accurate, and concise overview of the memory disorder, symptoms, causes, diagnosis, and treatment of the memory disorder. OR missing two of the components.

Provides a mostly in- depth, accurate, and concise overview of the memory disorder, symptoms, causes, diagnosis, and treatment of the memory disorder.

Provides an in- depth, accurate, and concise overview of the memory disorder, symptoms, causes, diagnosis, and treatment of the memory disorder.

0 – 14 points 15 – 19 points 22 – 24 points 25 points Impact on Individuals & Society

Does not clearly show the impact of the memory disorder impact on individuals and society. OR section is not included.

Somewhat clearly shows the impact of the memory disorder impact on individuals and society.

Mostly clearly shows the impact of the memory disorder impact on individuals and society.

Clearly shows the impact of the memory disorder impact on individuals and society.

0 points 6 – 7 points 8 – 9 points 10 points Resources 0 resources 1 resource 2 resources 3 resources

0 – 8 points 9 – 11 points 12 – 14 points 15 points Clear and Professional Writing and APA Format

Errors impede professional presentation; guidelines not followed.

Significant errors that do not impede professional presentation.

Few errors that do not impede professional presentation.

Writing and format are clear, professional,

CRITERIA Deficient Needs Improvement

Proficient Exemplary

APA compliant, and error free.

Evaluation Rubric for Memory Disorders Assignment

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Reference no: EM132069492

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