Yale Appliance in Hanover, MA advertised a GE Sapphire Blue Washer


1. Yale Appliance in Hanover, MA advertised a GE Sapphire Blue Washer and Dryer pair on sale for $2,197.99. The original price of the appliances was $2,898. On Sunday, after seeing the ad, Rachel traveled to Hanover so that she would be there when the store opened. She immediately went to the laundry department to make the purchase, but they were sold out. Rachel told the salesperson she was there to accept the offer on the washer and dryer that was on sale but because it wasn’t available for her, she intended to sue the store. What is the outcome of the lawsuit?
2. On August 12 Derek mailed Stephanie an offer to purchase her 2018 Ford F150 XLT for $36,998 from his local post office. The offer indicated that the deal would be finalized on Saturday, August 20. As soon as Stephanie received Derek’s offer on August 15, she mailed him a letter stating that she was accepting his offer and looked forward to seeing him on the 20th. Early Saturday morning Derek left Stephanie a message indicating that he was revoking the offer. Shortly thereafter Stephanie arrived at Derek’s house with the truck and signed title, but Derek refused to pay her for the truck. Stephanie intends to sue Derek. What is the outcome?
3. Lauren contacted and then hired Donaldson Realty to sell her home in Whitman, MA for $435,000. Marcus was interested in the home, called Donaldsons, and offered $405,000 for the home. The agent from Donaldsons submitted the offer to Lauren. Lauren reviewed the paperwork, crossed out the $405,000 and wrote in $437,000 instead. Lauren then signed her acceptance and sent it back to Donaldsons. The real estate agent called Marcus and told him that Lauren accepted his offer and that he was faxing the contract to him and to expect it in the next half hour. When Marcus received the fax and saw the new amount, he immediately called Donaldsons and indicated that he had no intention of following through with the contract. Donaldsons indicated to Marcus that he could expect that Lauren would file a lawsuit because Marcus was violating the contract. What is the outcome of the dispute?


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Reference no: EM132069492

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