Psychotic disorders


1. Psychotic disorders such as schizophrenia involve both positive and negative symptoms. Explain what positive symptoms are. What does it mean that the symptom is “positive”? Does that mean that it is “good” to have? Explain what negative symptoms are. What does it mean that the symptom is “negative”? Give an example of a positive symptom and explain what it is. Give an example of a negative symptom and explain what it is.
2. Generally, what do we know about the connection between psychotic disorders such as schizophrenia and violence or crime? Is there a connection? Are there any comorbid disorders that worsen or lessen the connection to crime or violence?
3. Generally, what do we know about treatment for schizophrenia? How do we typically treat psychotic disorders? Can we cure schizophrenia, or only treat the symptoms? What is the prognosis for recovery?

The post Psychotic disorders first appeared on COMPLIANT PAPERS.

Reference no: EM132069492

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