Based on the reading of chapter 6, my sensory experience has valid reasons for believing in the external world. Biology and science have proven on a cellular level that we have incred


Based on the reading of chapter 6, my sensory experience has valid reasons for believing in the external world. Biology and science have proven on a cellular level that we have incredible sensory abilities and biological responses to the world around us. Our sensory of the world around us is essentially our reality. I think that if we were to argue that our sensory experience is a computer-generated experience, then a computer would have to be real and exist. If a computer exists and creates our perceived reality, then where does the computer derive its content? On another note, computers were built by humans in this world by using things in the external world. I think we have to accept our sensory experiences “as they seem” because there is really no way to prove otherwise. If a demon is deceiving us with our perceptions, a demon must exist. In order for a philosopher to come up with ideas such as “deception by a demon”, they are the ones that came up with the idea. How do they know about such a concept of deception or demons if not learned from the external world. I think the explanationism, the idea of believing a hypothesis because they sufficiently explain the current data, is interesting and plausible explanation for believing our sensory experience. It takes more explaining and complications to disprove our sensory experience. It is, what it is, couldn’t be more accurate for this skeptical argument on the reality of the external world.  

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