HFS201: You are required to use the anthropometric jig at the Human Factors and Safety Lab to generate the anthropometric: Workplace Evaluation and Design Assignment, SUSS

Question 1

You are required to use the anthropometric jig at the Human Factors and Safety Lab to generate the anthropometric profile of the intended users. Refer to the anthropometric measurement instructions (from the Canvas course site) for details of the measurement process.

a) Assign ONE (1) of your team members as the intended ‘user AA’ of this project. Measure, as accurately as possible, all the relevant anthropometric dimensions required for the workstation evaluation. You may refer to the paper by Tan Kay Chuan, et al (2010), available from the Canvas course site for a list of the commonly used anthropometric measurements. Ensure the following are included in your report:
description, with pictures, of how you perform the required measurements
tabulated data of the anthropometric values, in millimetres

(b) Assign the other member of your team as ‘user BB’. Measure his/her stature, similar to the process described in Question 1(a) above. Use his (hereafter masculine descriptions also include feminine) measured stature to generate an estimated anthropometric profile for BB, by:
assume all his body segments share the same percentile value as that of his stature
assume he is anthropometrically similar to Table 1 of Tan et al (2010)
calculate the percentile value of BB using data from Tan et al (2010)
compile an anthropometric table of BB, similar to Question 1(a) above.

Question 2

Identify a suitable workstation from your workplace or elsewhere, that satisfies the following:

The person at the workstation is to be seated
He actively uses his hands to perform tasks, with no high muscular exertions
The workstation may be stationary or in motion
It may be a seated workstation from a manufacturing or assembling setting
It could also be a seated workstation where one controls a mobile machine/equipment
Must not be an office workstation or similar with sedentary tasks
Tasks with straightforward driving of a vehicle are not suitable.

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Reference no: EM132069492

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