Think back to the five SMART goals you created earlier in the term (SEE ATTACHED).?Write a reflection Word doc following APA format and consisting AROUND 3 pages of content (Extra, th


Think back to the five SMART goals you created earlier in the term (SEE ATTACHED). Write a reflection Word doc following APA format and consisting AROUND 3 pages of content (Extra, this Doc MUST HAVE AN ABSTRACT, and a References page).

Use the following questions to guide your response:   

What were you expecting from the experience before you started as a psychiatric practicioner?   
Why were you expecting this?   
Why did you choose this goal?   
Did you learn anything about a different group in society (i.e., different age, profession, ethnic, racial or socio-economic group)? What did you learn?   
What is the most valuable experience you acquired?  
What impact did the experience have on your everyday life?   
What did you learn that was directly related to your course objectives as a Psychiatric practicioner? 

formatted and cited in current APA style 7 ed  with support from at least 5 academic sources which need to be journal articles or books from 2019 up to now. NO WEBSITES allowed for reference entry. Include doi, page numbers, etc. Plagiarism must be less than 10%.


Embracing Diversity in Group Therapy: Setting SMART Goals

for Cultural Proficiency Yanetsi Alayon

St. Thomas University


Dr. El Kholy

August 26th, 2023

Understanding SMART Goals in Clinical Experience

• What are SMART Goals? • A systematic approach to set objectives that are:

• Specific: Clearly defined and focused

• Measurable: Quantifiable or identifiable outcomes

• Attainable: Challenging but achievable

• Realistic: Aligned with available resources and time

• Timely: Time-bound with a deadline (Weintraub et al., 2021).

• Why are SMART Goals Important in Clinical Experience? • Precision: Helps in setting clear expectations for oneself.

• Motivation: Gives a clear direction and purpose.

• Evaluation: Allows for timely review and adjustments.

• Professional Growth: Promotes targeted skill and knowledge development.

• Enhanced Patient Care: By setting and achieving specific goals, the quality of care provided improves (Weintraub et al., 2021).

Goal 1 – Enhance Cultural Sensitivity

• SMART Goal: To enhance cultural sensitivity by attending and actively participating in a minimum of two group therapy sessions that include culturally diverse populations by the end of this term.

• Explanation of SMART characteristics: • Specific: This goal focuses on improving cultural sensitivity through participation in specific group therapy

sessions. • Measurable: The goal’s progress can be measured by the number of attended and actively participated

group therapy sessions (2), practice of learnings, and the feedback my patients give me while on consult (Ogbeiwi, 2021).

• Attainable: Attending three group therapy sessions is attainable through proper scheduling and commitment.

• Realistic: Given the number of available sessions and the term’s duration, participating in two sessions is a realistic objective (Ogbeiwi, 2021).

• Timely: The goal aims to be completed by the end of this term.

Goal 2 – Cross-Cultural Communication

• SMART Goal: To develop cross-cultural communication skills by engaging in conversations with individuals from diverse cultural backgrounds during group therapy sessions, aiming for at least one meaningful interaction per session.

• Explanation of SMART characteristics: • Specific: The goal specifically targets cross-cultural communication improvement through meaningful

interactions in group therapy. • Measurable: Progress can be measured by tracking the number of sessions with at least one meaningful

cross-cultural interaction (minimum of 3 interactions) (Tehee et al., 2020). • Attainable: Engaging in one meaningful interaction per session is attainable with conscious effort and

active listening. • Realistic: Considering the diverse nature of group therapy, achieving three meaningful interactions in the

term is realistic (Tehee et al., 2020). • Timely: The goal’s completion is expected by the end of this term.

Goal 3 – Enhanced Understanding of Group Dynamics

• SMART Goal: To deepen the understanding of group dynamics by observing and analyzing the interactions of participants in a minimum of five group therapy sessions throughout the term.

• Explanation of SMART characteristics: • Specific: The goal centers around improving understanding of group dynamics through

observation and analysis. • Measurable: Progress can be measured by tracking the number of observed and analyzed

group therapy sessions (5) (Weintraub et al., 2021). • Attainable: Attending and analyzing five sessions is attainable by managing time effectively. • Realistic: Given the number of available sessions, analyzing five of them is realistic within the

term’s timeframe (Weintraub et al., 2021). • Timely: The goal’s completion is set for the end of this term.

Goal 4 – Skill Development • SMART Goal: To enhance facilitation skills by co-leading at least two group therapy sessions

under the guidance of a licensed therapist by the end of this term. • Explanation of SMART characteristics: • Specific: This goal is centered on developing facilitation skills through hands-on experience in

co-leading group therapy (Dekker et al., 2020). • Measurable: The goal’s progress can be measured by successfully co-leading a minimum of

two sessions. • Attainable: Co-leading two sessions is attainable with proper mentorship and preparation. • Realistic: With guidance and practice, co-leading two sessions is a realistic target within the

term (Dekker et al., 2020). • Timely: The goal’s accomplishment is expected by the term’s conclusion.

Goal 5 – Reflective Practice • SMART Goal: To cultivate reflective practice by consistently journaling post-session reflections

after every group therapy session throughout the term. • Explanation of SMART characteristics: • Specific: The goal is focused on cultivating reflective practice through regular journaling. • Measurable: Progress can be measured by the number of journal entries made after each

group therapy session (minimum of 10 entries) (Tehee et al., 2020). • Attainable: Making journal entries after each session is attainable with commitment to self-

reflection. • Realistic: Given the frequency of sessions, achieving 10 journal entries is a realistic goal for

the term (Tehee et al., 2020). • Timely: The goal’s fulfillment is expected after every group therapy session throughout the


Slide 7: Benefits of SMART Goal Setting

• Focus: SMART goals provide clarity and direction, helping you stay focused on what truly matters (Cairns et al., 2019).

• Planning: The structured approach of SMART goals aids in creating actionable plans for achievement.

• Achievability: Clear objectives make goals more attainable by breaking them into manageable steps.

• Realism: SMART goals ensure that your aspirations align with practical possibilities.

• Time Management: Setting time-bound goals promotes effective time allocation and prevents procrastination (Cairns et al., 2019).

Tracking Progress • Regular Assessment: Monitor your progress towards each SMART goal on a

consistent basis. • Measurable Milestones: Break down goals into smaller, measurable milestones

to track incremental achievements (Weintraub et al., 2021). • Data Collection: Keep records of your accomplishments, making it easier to

evaluate your advancement. • Use of Tools: Utilize tracking tools, such as spreadsheets or apps, to visually

represent your progress. • Adjustment Possibility: Tracking enables you to identify potential roadblocks

and make necessary adjustments for success (Weintraub et al., 2021).

Overcoming Challenges • Time Constraints: Prioritize tasks, delegate when possible, and create a

structured schedule. • Lack of Motivation: Set rewards for achieving milestones and remind yourself

of the bigger purpose (Cairns et al., 2019). • Unforeseen Obstacles: Stay adaptable and develop contingency plans to

navigate unexpected challenges. • Limited Resources: Seek out additional resources or support from mentors,

peers, or online communities (Cairns et al., 2019). • Self-Doubt: Practice positive self-talk, focus on past successes, and seek

validation through accomplishments.

Goal Review and Adjustment • Periodic Review: Regularly assess your progress towards each goal to ensure

you’re on track. • Flexible Approach: Be open to adapting goals based on changing

circumstances or new insights (Ogbeiwi, 2021). • Celebrate Milestones: Acknowledge and celebrate achievements as you reach

milestones along the way. • Learning Opportunity: Use setbacks as opportunities to learn and refine your

strategies. • Stay Motivated: Adjusting goals keeps them relevant and maintains your

motivation throughout the journey (Ogbeiwi, 2021).

Conclusion • Goal Reflection: Setting and striving towards SMART goals during our clinical

experience pushes us towards excellence, ensuring both personal growth and enhanced patient care.

• Holistic Development: These goals aren’t just about meeting metrics. They emphasize a holistic development approach, from technical skills in clinical proficiency to soft skills in cultural sensitivity and communication.

• Commitment to Improvement: Continuous feedback and learning, as reflected in our goals, underpin our commitment to always providing the best care possible.

• Future Endeavors: As we achieve these goals, we set the foundation for further learning, more advanced goals, and an unwavering dedication to the nursing profession.

References Cairns, A. J., Kavanagh, D. J., Dark, F., & McPhail, S. M. (2019). Goal setting improves retention in youth mental health: A cross-sectional 

analysis. Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Mental Health , 13(1), 1-8.

Dekker, J., de Groot, V., Ter Steeg, A. M., Vloothuis, J., Holla, J., Collette, E., Satink, T., Post, L., Doodeman, S., & Littooij, E. (2020). Setting  meaningful goals in rehabilitation: Rationale and practical tool. Clinical Rehabilitation, 34(1), 3-12.

Ogbeiwi, O. (2021). General concepts of goals and goal-setting in healthcare: A narrative review.  Journal of Management & Organization, 27(2), 324- 341.

Tehee, M., Isaacs, D., & Domenech Rodríguez, M. M. (2020). Handbook of cultural factors in behavioral health: A guide for the helping professional. Springer.

Weintraub, J., Cassell, D., & DePatie, T. P. (2021). Nudging flow through ‘SMART’goal setting to decrease stress, increase engagement, and increase  performance at work. Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology, 94(2), 230-258.

The post Think back to the five SMART goals you created earlier in the term (SEE ATTACHED).?Write a reflection Word doc following APA format and consisting AROUND 3 pages of content (Extra, th first appeared on Writeden.

Reference no: EM132069492

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