This week, you will use the topic of Telemental Health and address the writing prompt from your theoretical orientation. The client is a 28 African American female who is diagnosed wi


This week, you will use the topic of Telemental Health and address the writing prompt from your theoretical orientation. The client is a 28 African American female who is diagnosed with mild intellectual disability. But states she has ADHD.  There is a history of Mental illness in the family mother, her daughter, and her brother. Also, her socioeconomic status is Low below poverty, works part-time and receives public assistance.  No legal issues with the court system.  She does have an 8-year-old daughter who was recently diagnosed with ADHD.

Telemental Health
Consider a client you have worked with who
would benefit from TMH services but for
whom there are specific barriers to accessing
this service. From your theoretical lens,
present rationale for TMH services for this
client. Discuss these individual, family, or
systemic barriers and necessary steps to
remove them to increase access for this client
and others with similar concerns. Be sure to
take into account ethical, cultural, and legal

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Reference no: EM132069492

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