Create and deliver a 5-minute informative presentation with slides to your classmates. Your speech can be about any subject that: requires explanation, demonstration or instruction; Examples: the weather derivative, map/reduce, gamification to reduce energy consumption, animal coat pattern genetics, Faraday cage, chirality, Hough transform, Giffen goods, cognitive dissonance, telomerase, pipeline, Eastern vs. Western musical scales, arsenic poisoning in South Asian well water, DNA origami

Informative Speech Assignment

Your assignment is to create and deliver a 5-minute informative presentation with slides to your classmates. Your speech can be about any subject that:

requires explanation, demonstration or instruction;

Examples: the weather derivative, map/reduce, gamification to reduce energy consumption, animal coat pattern genetics, Faraday cage, chirality, Hough transform, Giffen goods, cognitive dissonance, telomerase, pipeline, Eastern vs. Western musical scales, arsenic poisoning in South Asian well water, DNA origami

The distinction between explanation and persuasion is key. This is an informative task so you should, for example, explain how games can be used to reduce energy consumption, but you cannot argue this is the most effective reduction method. That statement would be evaluative, rather than informative. Discussing the pros and cons of this approach would be a more even-handed approach and more appropriate for an informative talk.

you know well, can speak about with comfort and enthusiasm without extensive research, and are likely to have to speak about again in your future.

is interesting and unfamiliar to your audience. The topic should also be well-adapted to your audience’s level of knowledge that area.

can be addressed adequately in a 5-minute presentation

Informative Speech Evaluative Criteria

Content: The topic fits the assignment (i.e., it is informative or explanatory) and is well adapted to this audience. The topic is clearly stated, and an appropriate number of main ideas are well selected and clearly defined for a 5-minute talk. The main ideas are well supported through effective development.

Structure and Organization: The introduction captures the audience’s attention, clearly states the topic, establishes reasons to listen (relevance or benefit to audience, “So what?”) and previews the structure of the speech both orally and in an agenda slide.

The important ideas or points are clearly indicated by discourse markers and signposting (“So, let’s look at my second point”) and logically arranged. Transitions facilitate audience understanding by connecting ideas, as well as sections of the speech. The conclusion does not simply repeat the agenda items but substantively summarizes the main points and provides a closing “take-away” message. Ending a talk with “That’s it” or “That’s all” is never an effective conclusion.

Delivery: Eye contact with the camera should be maintained, and it should not appear as if the presenter is reading from a script. Vocal qualities (volume, speed, pauses, intonation, and energy) enhance the presentation. Gestures and facial expressions contribute to a dynamic, polished performance. Key vocabulary is properly pronounced, and important words are appropriately stressed. Time is well managed, and the 5-minute speaking time is not exceeded.

Visuals: Slides are effectively designed and clarify and reinforce the content of the presentation rather than serving as a distraction and/or a teleprompter used to host a read-along. Slides are managed effectively and incorporated smoothly into the speech.

For a more detailed list of grading criteria, refer to the informative presentation grade rubric, posted in Sakai.

Requirements: create the pptslides and write the scripts for me

Data Visualization and Interpretation

Cover Note

Who is your audience? What background information does your audience have about your content? 

The audience for this topic remains the same. The topic is mainly presented to provide insights to the government, households, policy-makers, and economists. The topic under consideration is economics, which explores the gap or inequality in income among upper, middle, and lower-income households. It also explores the trend of household income in the United States. The dataset also focuses on the current or recent medium household income. 

How does this background information affect what you write about and what terms you do and do not define? 

Although the audience already has information about how household income inequality affects the economic growth of a country, it is important to include the current situation in the U.S. economy based on the recent medium household income. The new information has influenced the discussion because it concludes that the U.S. economy is slowing down due to a decline in medium household income after October 2022. 

The background information influences the approach used to write the paper because it has included some of the impacts of income inequality on economic growth. Based on the dataset, upper-income households continue benefitting from the gap in household income because their wealth continues to increase. Middle and lower-income households are not favored by economic policies, globalization, and technological changes to grow their income, thus making them poorer. I have not defined household income, economic growth, and income inequality. 

What are the strengths of your paper? (Be specific: tell me exactly what and where in the paper you feel the text is effective and why.)

The paper has provided the current or recent dataset visually to demonstrate the medium household income in the U.S. Using the current dataset strengthens this paper because the audience can reflect on the current economic situation in the United States. 

What are the weaknesses of your paper?

This paper still incorporates historical data showing the household income trend since 1970. Some of the data also shows medium household income since the early 2000s. Historical data lacks direct implications on the current economic situation in the United States since it represents historical information that differs from recent data. 

What questions do you have for me? What areas do you want me to specifically give feedback on?

 Has the new dataset reflected the current economic situation in the U.S.?

 What are the benefits of using recent data compared to historical data?

Selected Topic on Economics: Household Income inequality on economic growth in the United States


The focus of any country worldwide is to achieve economic growth that brings economic stability. Economic growth is achieved when there is income equality among stakeholders contributing to overall economic growth and expansion. Nonetheless, income inequality manifests in every economic system, thus slowing down economic growth. The income inequality or gaps between low-income and high-income levels also determine how an economy will grow because each growth contributes towards economic growth regardless of income level. The U.S. economy was negatively affected by the Great Recession. In this regard, it is essential to explore the income and wealth inequality trend on economic growth using a comprehensive dataset that provides robust comparability based on the trend in the United States after the Great Recession. 

Explain your data set and methodology [for a general audience]

The data set has been obtained from an article by Kochhar et al. (2020). The article aims to explore the trends of income and wealth inequality in economic growth in the United States. The first dataset is benchmark regression results, as shown in Figure 1 below. 

Figure 1: Household Income after the Great Recession


Figure 1 above exhibits a dataset on household income in the U.S after the Great Recession. Even before the recession, the U.S. has been facing economic problems in the past. Figure 1 shows that household income in the U.S. has been increasing since 1970, but 2018 recorded the highest household income of $74,600 (Kochhar et al., 2020).

Figure 2: Gap between upper, middle, and lower income households in the U.S


The dataset in figure 2 above shows the household income gap for different income levels. The upper, middle, and lower-income households in the United States experience different levels of growth. Upper-income households grew more significantly than middle and lower-income households between 1970 and 2018 (Kochhar et al., 2020). The share of aggregate income for middle-income households is declining. The income growth for middle-income and lower-income households was 49% and 43%, respectively. The growth for middle and lower income was below the upper–tier income, which recorded a growth of 64%.

Figure 3: Median Household Income in the 21st Century


The dataset in figure 3 above shows the current state of the economy in the U.S. based on the medium household income. Since 2020, the medium household income has been increasing from $66,345 in 2020 to $78,813 in 2020. The medium household income also increased from $78,595 in September 2022 to $78,813 in October 2022 (Ironman at Political Calculations, 2022). After considering the adjusted for inflation, the medium household income started falling on October 2022, thus showing that the U.S. economy after third-quarter rebound.

Highlight interesting points/trends and determine possible explanations/interpretations

n figure 1, the trend of household income in the U.S. between 1970 and 2018 can be explained by several factors. The rise and fall in household income are attributed to many factors, such as globalization, technological changes, actions of trade unions, and the aspect of minimum wage. These factors have determined the impact of income and wealth inequality on economic growth in the U.S. 

n figure 2, the gap in income for the three income households increased due to several factors. First, upper-income households accessed better technological aspects than middle-income and lower-income households. The inequality attributed to how each income household integrated globalization, domestic economic policies, and commodity price cycles also explains the difference in the income growth for the three households. 

Discuss the implications of the data

Figure 1 shows that the U.S. economic growth has been experiencing upward and downward trends, as exhibited by the pattern of household income between 1970 and 2018. This data implies that the solutions applied in the subsequent years differed based on the recession type. 

The data from figure 2 implies that income inequality between different households in the U.S. influences the share of U.S. aggregate income such that only households on the top are favored by factors such as globalization, domestic economic policies, technological advancements, and commodity price cycles. Based on this data, it is clear that wealthy households continue to become richer while middle-income and lower-income households continue to become poorer. 

Include limitations 

The limitation of the dataset for both figure 1 and figure 2 is that it reflects the economic situation in the U.S. from 1970 to 2018. Therefore, it does not show the current situation of the gap in household income. Thus, it is difficult to tell whether the income inequality trends shown in figure 1 and figure 2 continued after 2018. 

Make recommendations 

uture study should explore the gap in income for different households between 2018 and 2023 a picture of the current economic situation in the United States. The study will also help demonstrate the household income levels after the Covid-19 pandemic that slowed down the U.S economy.  

A future study should also explore the income gap for different households in other developed countries such as China, Japan, Germany, and India to help compare income inequality in the world’s largest economies. 

Lastly, further study should be conducted to determine the most suitable solutions to address the increasing household income gap and wealth inequality between different households.  


What feedback did you receive? (You can generalize.)

I received feedback that the paper extensively captured the issue of household income in the United States. However, I received feedback that the discussion should have included current household income data in the U.S. to show the current economic status. 

What feedback did you use? What feedback did you not use? Why did you make these choices?

The feedback incorporated involved using current data to demonstrate the current economic status in the U.S. In this regard, I added another dataset labeled figure 3. I chose to add a new dataset to depict the current medium household income in the U.S. Based on the data as of October 2022. The U.S. economy is slowing down because the medium household income is dropping. 

What did you learn from this process? 

This process made me realize the importance of incorporating the current dataset. Using current data helps the audience to understand what is happening in the economy. I learned that the audience could rely on the current data to make future projections on household income based on the trajectory taken by the U.S. economy. 



Kochhar, R., Igielnik, R., & Horowitz, J.M. (2020, January 9). 1. Trends in income and wealth inequality. Pew Research Center’s Social & Demographic Trends Project.

Ironman at Political Calculations. (2022, December 1). Median household income in October 2022. SeekingAlpha.

Data Visualization and Interpretation Grading Rubric

Content ___ / 35 (1.25)

Organization ___ / 24 (1.5)

Language Usage ___ / 24 (2)

Formatting & Length ___ / 17 (1.4)

TOTAL ___ /100

Informative Presentation Plan

Overall, this looks like an interesting presentation and organized plan. Please do read my comments in blue and let me know if you have any questions. Also, please practice your presentation out loud to check it for length.



The general topic of your informative presentation is:

Household Income inequality on in economic growth in the United States

At the end of your presentation, what do you want your audience to understand?

The implications of income and wealth inequality on the U.S. economy, and the trends that have developed post-Great Recession.


How might this presentation be challenging to your audience?

The audience might find the data and statistics overwhelming or confusing, especially if they aren’t familiar with economic jargon.

How will you adapt your topic to make it easier for the audience to follow?

I will simplify complex terms, use visuals to aid in explaining data, and provide relatable examples to ensure better understanding.

Why should your audience care about your topic? How might it relate to them?

Income inequality has far-reaching implications, from buying power to access to education and healthcare. This affects everyone’s quality of life and societal stability.

What is your credibility on this topic? Why should the audience believe you are an authority on this topic?

I have extensively researched this topic from reputable sources such as Pew Research and have consolidated this information into an informative paper that addresses the major concerns. Also, you have some background in Economics, right? Since you are an Economics and Computation student. You could mention that, too.


Possible ways to engage your audience in the introduction are (introduction strategy – be specific!):

Share a personal story related to income inequality, pose a provocative question, or show a startling statistic. Those are all good possibilities, but you need to choose soon. Do you have a personal story related to this? A startling statistic? That should help you decide.

What are some aspects of your topic that you want to cover, and what are some supporting details of each aspect?

Aspect #1: Historical Trends in Household Income

Support: Charts showing income trends since 1970, pointing out significant shifts or events.

Aspect #2: Implications of Income Inequality

Support: Data highlighting the disparity in wealth accumulation, educational opportunities, and living conditions between different income levels.

Aspect #3: Current Economic Situation and Medium Household Income.

Support: Recent statistics on median household income and its implications on economic growth.

What strategy would you like to use to conclude your presentation? Again, be specific with your chosen strategies.

Recap the main points, then end with a call-to-action, urging listeners to be informed and proactive in addressing income inequality in their communities.

What are some possible visual aids (not including text) that might help your audience understand your topic?

Graphs and charts on income trends, images of living conditions across different income levels, infographics on how income inequality affects society.

What are five key vocabulary words or phrases that you must pronounce correctly?

Underline those that should be defined for a general academic audience. Check a dictionary or for pronunciation of these words.


Median Household Income



Economic growth

Informative Presentation Evaluation

Presenter Name:

Content __ / 30

Organization __ / 25

Delivery __ / 20

Visuals __ / 25

TOTAL __ /100


Areas for Improvement:

Informative Introduction and Conclusion Script with Thought Groups

IMPORTANT: I do not recommend that you write a script of your presentation. You may lose your place and you may sound like a robot because your speech is not spontaneous. The purpose of this assignment is to help you think about all of the elements of introductions and conclusions and to give you practice using thought groups.

Instructions: Type a script of the introduction and conclusion for your Informative Presentation, including the elements listed below. The introduction elements do not have to be in the specific order listed here. Then, mark the thought groups using a slash mark (/). Be prepared to practice your introduction and conclusion with a small group of classmates.


Greeting (e.g., “Good morning everyone”)

Attention grabber (also see examples in the Organization, Introductions and Conclusions handout)

A rhetorical question

A question to the audience that is meant to elicit a response

A hypothetical situation or anecdote

An example

An opening statement that places the concept in context

Historical background

A picture

Music or other sounds

A quote, a poem, or a saying

Name and department

Topic/Main idea (e.g, Today I’m going to talk about…)

Credibility (e.g., “I have taken a course on [topic], so I am very familiar with it.”

“I know a lot about [topic] because…”)

Preview of key points (if ready)


Summary/Takeaways (if ready)

Closing statement/Audience benefit

Tie your conclusion to a question you asked or a statement you made at the beginning of your speech.

Stress the importance of your topic in the listeners’ daily lives.

Leave the audience with a question to think about.

End with a recommendation.

Briefly mention something that you weren’t able to include in your presentation that you hope to discuss in a future presentation.

Re-emphasize the far-ranging impact or the elegance of your topic

End with a humorous statement related to your topic.

“Thank you for your attention” or “Thank you for listening”

Reminder: Do not use “that’s it” or “that’s all”. It dismisses the importance of your presentation.

Informative Speech Assignment

Your assignment is to create and deliver a 5-minute informative presentation with slides to your classmates. Your speech can be about any subject that:

requires explanation, demonstration or instruction;

Examples: the weather derivative, map/reduce, gamification to reduce energy consumption, animal coat pattern genetics, Faraday cage, chirality, Hough transform, Giffen goods, cognitive dissonance, telomerase, pipeline, Eastern vs. Western musical scales, arsenic poisoning in South Asian well water, DNA origami

The distinction between explanation and persuasion is key. This is an informative task so you should, for example, explain how games can be used to reduce energy consumption, but you cannot argue this is the most effective reduction method. That statement would be evaluative, rather than informative. Discussing the pros and cons of this approach would be a more even-handed approach and more appropriate for an informative talk.

you know well, can speak about with comfort and enthusiasm without extensive research, and are likely to have to speak about again in your future.

is interesting and unfamiliar to your audience. The topic should also be well-adapted to your audience’s level of knowledge that area.

can be addressed adequately in a 5-minute presentation

Informative Speech Evaluative Criteria

Content: The topic fits the assignment (i.e., it is informative or explanatory) and is well adapted to this audience. The topic is clearly stated, and an appropriate number of main ideas are well selected and clearly defined for a 5-minute talk. The main ideas are well supported through effective development.

Structure and Organization: The introduction captures the audience’s attention, clearly states the topic, establishes reasons to listen (relevance or benefit to audience, “So what?”) and previews the structure of the speech both orally and in an agenda slide.

The important ideas or points are clearly indicated by discourse markers and signposting (“So, let’s look at my second point”) and logically arranged. Transitions facilitate audience understanding by connecting ideas, as well as sections of the speech. The conclusion does not simply repeat the agenda items but substantively summarizes the main points and provides a closing “take-away” message. Ending a talk with “That’s it” or “That’s all” is never an effective conclusion.

Delivery: Eye contact with the camera should be maintained, and it should not appear as if the presenter is reading from a script. Vocal qualities (volume, speed, pauses, intonation, and energy) enhance the presentation. Gestures and facial expressions contribute to a dynamic, polished performance. Key vocabulary is properly pronounced, and important words are appropriately stressed. Time is well managed, and the 5-minute speaking time is not exceeded.

Visuals: Slides are effectively designed and clarify and reinforce the content of the presentation rather than serving as a distraction and/or a teleprompter used to host a read-along. Slides are managed effectively and incorporated smoothly into the speech.

For a more detailed list of grading criteria, refer to the informative presentation grade rubric, posted in Sakai.

The post Create and deliver a 5-minute informative presentation with slides to your classmates. Your speech can be about any subject that: requires explanation, demonstration or instruction; Examples: the weather derivative, map/reduce, gamification to reduce energy consumption, animal coat pattern genetics, Faraday cage, chirality, Hough transform, Giffen goods, cognitive dissonance, telomerase, pipeline, Eastern vs. Western musical scales, arsenic poisoning in South Asian well water, DNA origami first appeared on Writeden.

Reference no: EM132069492

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